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Everything posted by Badboy

  1. Just put all the detail into microsoft route planner an it says an hours drive an cost of £5.50! think the train will be more than that! I know i have to add parkin onto that, but it aint bad. if i can be arsed to drive into london on me tod! an if il get my van in the carpark! is it open air or multi-story?
  2. Cheers not sure what will be easiest, to drive or get the train (Y) oh decisions! Will you be going down Luke? Will i get my van in that car park?
  3. Can anyone tell me where the 'shell' is that your meetin at? i can find it on a map if i know where it is! Anyone else going from chelmsford area that wants to hook up with me? Does anyone know how much hassle it is to get ur bike on a train? Cheers for the info guys
  4. Do you know how easy it is to get ur bike on the train? Where is the shell you are meeting at? is it a petrol station? i know its only 40mins to liverpool st from chemlsford, so thats no worries.
  5. Can someone put some more details up. I could be interested in coming along for this ride. Never taken my bike on a train though, how much hassle is it? Coming in from Chelmsford to Liverpool st. Where abouts is the meeting place?
  6. Na, keep the booster the same, an get a red bash :P nice to see somethin that isnt black!
  7. Chris was commentating along-side Clive Cosling at Bike Battle. I have found that Clive has a sense of humour you either like or dont. He commentated at a MAD demo once, an took the piss out of us all the way through the show. But that is the way the guy is. He talks to the masses! It would be good to have Chris AND Clive doing ala Bike Battle!
  8. The values have changed a bit. When I did my training the 'healthy' bracket was 19.0-24.9! But accordin to that site its 20.7-27.8! :blink: My BMI by the way is 28.9! But then I am 14stone, 5ft10 with 12% body fat. Also the 'healthy' body fat range for blokes from 18-29 (which i think most on here fit into) is 10%-20%
  9. Badboy


    cool cheers for that mate. thought i might have saved some dollar then, nevermind! PS mem card it is then
  10. Badboy


    Just a quicky, will the memory card from the first Play Station work in the new PS2? I know the games are compatible, wasnt sure on the memory card. An I dont wanna fook it trying it! Cheers guys
  11. Badboy

    Tyke Trial

    I asked Biktrial UK to reply as it was my understanding that what happened at the AGM has created the problem that this thread is asking about. Due to something happening at the biketrial committe meeting the people that run Tykes are now not involved anymore. A knock down effect i think they call it. And if both are open meetings, how come the majority of people dont know when they are or what happens in them?
  12. The only rocks in essex are the sea-defences!!!!! Trouble with Ockendon is that its a country park, you will get lots of walkers an dogs running round. Not sure if the owners would like people riding there when there isnt an organised comp. Thirftwood will let you ride there for a small fee, any day of the week. (dont ride on the grass areas though) Broomfield gravel pits are ok, EBTC used to run comps there, but most riders have out rode the place. If your organising a ride, then give me a shout, be good to get out with some new riders.
  13. Badboy

    Tyke Trial

    Grantham, have you had a call from the "new" Chairman of the biketrial committe yet, asking you to shut up about all this? because I have! Which I thought was strange as without someone telling him that I posted on here, he wouldnt have known! So far no-one from the committe has come on here to clear this matter up, an tell us what really happened. I think that as members of clubs we all have a right to know what the future holds for our sport. I know that this isnt the last of Carol Slinger, she will be back very soon.
  14. Badboy

    Random Thing

    Found Fitness First!!!!!! :ermm:"
  15. Badboy

    Tyke Trial

    This is a terrible shame for UK biketrials. Only a few people know what really happened at the AGM, but from my understanding there was some sort of coup that has made a lot of people retire from the commitee (Biketrial and clubs) There is a huge amount of work that goes into running an event, but I'm sure that those of you on here that are talking about it, if you speak to Carol or anyone that runs events, they will open your eyes to what really goes into it! It would be possible to have a form like MAD had at Bike, but then MAD have a huge public liabilty insurance that means they can get something like that made up!!! I know how much time an effort Dave Butler put into Tech04. An how much of that was securing the land for that patricular date! 99% of places you CANT just turn up an ride. All land is owned by someone, whether privatly or by national trust etc. Hopefully we havent seen the last of Carol at events, she does a lot of work. But I for one would like to know what is happeneing to the sport we all love in this country, now that this has happened. Hopefully someone from Biketrial UK will post a reply as to what happened at the AGM, as there is no explanation on their site.
  16. I missed the first part of the series, but i watched the one last nite, about the heart an lungs. The guy has caused lots of controversy before, the bodies are real and are donated to him. People leave their bodies to science when they die, some leave them to him to become plastic models. It was amazing to see the lungs inflate when he put the air pipe in! an to see all the blood vessels when he injected a pink resin into the veins! On a whole i thought the program was done in reasonably good taste. The one tonight is on the digestive system, should be good
  17. I heard a little rumour today that anyone from the UK who attends the 2004 UCI World Championships in Les Gets, France will be refused a licence for all BIU competitions in 2005. The comp is on the same weekend as the last round of the British championships at Hook Woods. So the UK Elite and Master classes will be thrown open again, as Koxx UK riders Ben Savage AND James Hyland wont be able to compete. Those also affected will be Rick Eyre, Ben Slinger, Rob Poyser, myself and John Evans. By the way this rumour has come straight from Biketrial UK themselves.
  18. Oh dear! Sounds like he hasnt changed at all I first met him in '97 in Czech, an he was a complete tit! never did like him or get on with him. My impressions of Americans changed when I met JJ the following year. JJ didnt like Shaun either!!!! The second time I had the misfortune of meetin shaun was in spain in 2001, an he was still the same then!!! Moanin all the time like a sissy to Roger Rodrigez (Brisa boss) because he wasnt gettin preferential treatment, even though JJ was there as well an was their no1 rider at the time!!!!
  19. Trials shoes area a lot more flexible than Skate shoes for a start. if you look at mony boots, they seem to be the same shape as ur foot. Skate shoes are just huge!!(by an large, not all) I have had monty an Hebo boots, an I find the monty's to be the best so far. Hebo were too clumpy :S I have nothin against skate shoes, I have some myself, I could never ride in them though!! Ribo should be making those shoes with the Coustellier logo on. Also Gilles uses them, an he wouldnt take them off for a bout 3weeks after he got them! (N)
  20. Coustellier Trials boots, made for them by Ribo. The Sweetest trials boots out there (N) I will def be gettin some of them! Dont like the colour?? I have seen them in one other colour, Yellow and Black
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