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Everything posted by butcha87

  1. Not bad! (N) I like Andy P's better though!sorry :">
  2. butcha87


    I've got it, add me butcha87@hotmail.com
  3. butcha87


    The way i see it, you can joke about any race thats white,Irish,Scottish, Americans but when it comes to other races you're shot down. I mean I'm all against racism but sometimes it's pretty hypocritical!
  4. butcha87

    Jean Dye?

    How do you get it off your shoes?!So far I've had 3 pairs of shoes this year alone ruined by my jeans bleeding!One pair is suede and the rest are trainers, nothing has worked so far! Cheers
  5. butcha87

    The O.c

    Well i dunno where it can go now Ryan has gone :'(
  6. In all honesty Steven Howes wins the award for the most invisible Trials King!I've heard he's now a drug dealer!
  7. I'm wack but ill play!Realism preferably!
  8. it even brings up what u were alst talkin bout!its mint!
  9. I've heard the ecotek valve doesn't actually do much for economy or performance?!Why the pluggage?Bit random!
  10. His is a fluid23 beanie i beleive?I'm not sure how you can get them though,I've checked the website and everything!
  11. Yeh sorry bout that! :"> Wondered why the post was deleted!! Top notch vid :lol: Nice to know Danny is still riding!But like everyone sed,the quality is wanktabular... :)
  12. Has it got footage from that dan vid i found on eengoidiee on it?That was weird,it had a long break at the end as well
  13. Shes well hot!Loving the ghosts in the background :D
  14. whos sis is the one that was on the coustellier wallpaper?!Pics of her wud be nice!! :) :)
  15. butcha87

    New Chain?

    I've heard they tend to bugger up on lower gearings on a BMX, ie. 25-9 and work ok on the higher end ones,44-16. This is probs bollocks though because Ali Whitton has the tiniest chainring upfront and so has a pretty low gearing. Edit:Just read the site info,just says they're ok to use with 10 tooth cogs and above! :-
  16. butcha87

    Backflip Film

    :o impressive stuff!well done! :S nice atmosphere there wit loadsa support from other riders!top notch! luvd the bit where the camera man is like "ur not even a bmx'r!" stoopid fruit booters.....
  17. butcha87

    Bike Pics

    my almost complete pashley!shame bout my camera....
  18. butcha87

    clothes sale

    clothes an dshit for sale
  19. butcha87

    The beetle

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