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Everything posted by butcha87

  1. butcha87

    Dream Team

    the boon shrewers cls james porter andy p I'd happily have anyone from Trialmedia in my team!
  2. butcha87

    Video Hosting

    Er?Bump,I quite want to see these new Fluid vids! :">
  3. This is really useful,I apologise for not ordering yet but in between being broke and my failing health I just haven't had the time!this will help out though! PS:I'm the channel islander
  4. Oooh very nice!Smooth as you like! :lol:
  5. What a waster what a f**king waster, you pissed it all up the wall...
  6. f**k the induction kit,biggest waste of money!Good for noise,and thats about it
  7. butcha87


    Length of stem?
  8. sweet vid! :unsure: Talk about the BT crew though! What was on that T-Pro at the end,it was buzzing away like no tommorow!
  9. :unsure: (Y) (Y) That was a sweet video!You guys should be ashamed to have wasted such a good course!!Steadman seems to have smoothed his style up a lot,and Danny Smith is just as sick as ever!!
  10. butcha87

    P2p Programs

    It's packed with spyware thats why!
  11. butcha87

    P2p Programs

    DC++ has loads although is a bit hard to use.
  12. butcha87


    I moisturise after exercising and washing,and before I go to bed as well!
  13. butcha87


    Argh,yesterday my skin was beautiful albeit a bit tight round the eyes andd forehead,I drunk plenty of fluids whilst I was out in the sun.However,today my skin is all dry and flakey,disgusting really. This happens periodically!What have I done to deserve this?
  14. Apologies?People don't just make stuff like this up for fun(most of the time anyway).I think it's funny how we didn't listen to Luke,but when Waynio confirms it we beleive it!
  15. butcha87


    Yeh I apologise too,I also underated you Waynio,you're the dog's danglys!! :sleeping: Are you running an onza stem as well,hows it holdin up,might get one.
  16. Basically "The Killers" album for free lol
  17. Creepy photey.I don't know what kind of response you're lookin for though.
  18. CW shredder,Adaware SE personal and Spybot:Search & Destroy.If that doesn't solve your problems get Hijackthis and post the log on a spyware forum.
  19. Columbus in Ohio,Steven's hometown
  20. I think it's only T-nez's and Hamilton's parts that are on the web.
  21. Man that kid is amazing!Bike flips,all sorts!!
  22. Here A wealth of good BMX vids there.Also regularly check BMXigans and MidwestBMX.
  23. Just an idea for an FAQ,with all the people on the forum we have a lot of knowledgeable people on our hands.I reckons it will be pretty useful to list people and what they are known for being very experienced in.Yay or nay? eg. BONGO- BMX Prawn-Mini's
  24. I think I just realised why I have such a shit brake!! :"> Tell me guys,should the springs be tensioned so the arms move towards the rim,or away from the rim?
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