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Everything posted by Paperclip

  1. Thats atually not funny what so ever keep it coming ladies
  2. Who cares he could of got it for 170 :/ someone else would most likly been viewing this frame aswell so well done mr hynehole. Looks good oz is about to get some serios bashing just to blend in with the otherparts P.S if the black and white sprey touch this ill have to resort to crying! cocky/
  3. some f**king guy whos ment to be your best mate, lifey!!!!!! reason were going is because beth lives there! so meh you better be there! bitchsucker
  4. yeah meng, as it says, Im there, Ben lazenfails going, Yellow jake, and lil matty Danny baz, tom phillips and jack the nut
  5. For you ben ill do anythink, however will be later on tonight my baby boy.
  6. Paperclip

    Any Better, Tf?

    well :$ I told you what I dident like in your old video, nothing wrong with this vid meng! , however would be yet sexer when im in the video this july
  7. Paperclip

    Any Better, Tf?

    to be honest unless the video isnt dedicated to me, its shit :/ haha only joking. however I like him the mostestest . Liked it mr chin keep it up
  8. Whats there not to get, he's calling the girl chunky my dear . Threads turning out whey! better than expected be a SHAME for it to end lets see how long we cam make it last people!!!!!!!!
  9. Yeah we will!!! text me and ask if im coming outs allways on the cards uno not call me once youve got somewhere and ask if ill come
  10. Ha who made you a part of it , If you want to be a wannbe mat too well fair play VARIETY. He dose a frenchy-sidehop-upto front-sidehop-and a sidehop to back
  11. In love with your gu too much to post a loving comment haha, hope your getting along with it fine,
  12. The stem looks horrid! T-poo's ride better than they look, and there light, Ima big fan of these there a perfect starterbike etc. hs11's bit old school for a wee lad , hope to see a mess about video from you? loving all your recent video's for heatswank btw big fan (L) EDIT: FORWARD MOUNT FERT WIN!
  13. Iv got it!!!!!!!! THAT RANDOMNESSSSSSSSS VIDEO think its on the forum some where, makes everyone laugh got tunni cliff init, tony blair, monkey, some guys toe, and a load of guys forcing some poor guy on a rail gap (do it or youll dieeeeeeeeee!) , epic-lol
  14. Its bound to be something simple ,if youve put it all back the same :/
  15. I run echo bbs and I have found this however untill now never really noticed it haha I just took the two cups and put them the other way and as the bb screws in itll push the cup in, Unless you have allready tried this ?
  16. What the hells that!!!! Is this the same jack chinnery who offers to edit videos on new members chat, and I QUOTE " I WILL NOT DO A 30M JOB" "WILL BE A GOOD EDIT", I like your style could become a very good rider if you keep improving however this video shows nothing at all.!. all sideways moves and one up to front, might want to be mat smith when you grow older but seriosly man get some more moves in the bag. Im not having a go at you I secretly like you :$ I think good things can come of you if you dont be a fag who only rides the bike sideways because I like you and stuff would you be a good little tgs darlin and share the song with us haha:)
  17. Use the search, where it says leeds on the bottom of your margin click it and it will come up with a list of people, however IMO your asking for the wrong area. even as leeds is a city most of the riders live around leed's I live 30 mins out of leeds but dont class my self as a leeds lad. try asking for riders in the west yorkshire area and your bound to meet some new friends . In the leeds area (or everywhere else) there tends to be little groups of riders from all over the joint, that every so often one of these riders from one of the groups gets to know someone from a difrent area and go ride with them, Im not saying were all gangsters like haha just that seems to be how it gose. andy whos posted above added me on msn, and I am wanting to ride with him sometime hes a really nice lad over the net be good to put a face to a name when its the holidays Ill come threw morley and have a wee ride with you all. p.s feel free to add me to msn and Ill pass on a few addies of other riders from the outskirts of leeds, bradford, huddersfield, etc. my addies on my page click my name and it will be in there somewhere.
  18. what woods that, Not impressed at all, should be riding the stock! In the video, Ridings getting loads better now!!!!!!, On the clip of you gapping ot back up the pallets around 2-3 months ago youd never of done that and you held it well, need to do some riding on the stock though :/
  19. I will get some more, better photo's if the onza for you all, also dark test clips will be out soon when i get around to it.
  20. Lots of people have that, Dosent it mean sometimes you cant have kid's ? I dated a girl that had that, she allways wanted me to adopt a black kid for her :|
  21. Looks a fun place to ride, nice going there aswell good riding being done , 18pic's down your wheels allmost look to match and then the front wheel seems to get brighter in each pic, unless its just me haha
  22. I hope you dont mean the avatar part . .. . . :P you see even nichols sam think your a bunch of fag's , haha
  23. With an avatar like that you dident even have to post anything . still go by my first post, your all fag's !!!!!!!!!!.
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