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Everything posted by Paperclip

  1. I think that last question is totally on your own head be it. Although either way is going to cost you a fair chunk of money so it's worth trying to find one for sale as a complete bike if that's your game plan and trying to get some money off that way.
  2. Really cool video and vibe, I had gone off all these radical bikes videos of you but this one was rad. Tartybikes need to do another one place to another place that's inconveniently the total opposite side of the country so we get to see more street from you!
  3. Even though on paper it looks good with the Hope hub and some of the other parts, it just seems to not be what people are going for. Everyone who has money to spend seems to want to get something much more modern now especially disc, then this frame went on to become the element for a few years which devalues it again so you'll be somewhere around the £200-300 point for the bike selling more likely on Ebay or locally. You'd probably get something around £50-75 for the frame to.
  4. It looks so much better in black than the green but do you're thing man it's interesting to see how it turns out this time.
  5. Paperclip

    TIbo TMS

    Tibo being the anti aging Frenchman he is showing us some of his skills. A true hero of mine. I'm into his riding, great watch. Cocky
  6. Paperclip

    Dominik Raab

    Watched it again, from lack of other videos out at the moment. However I do really like watching Raab ride he is awesome. It's nice to see some of Hans to though I think they could have spent some more time to get more of him riding to be fair, looks like they shot it in about an hour his parts.
  7. Same bike as in this (the Porthcrawl section)
  8. To be fair Marino posted up a photo of some standard headset frames and called it the XL so I presumed that was the newer geo reference myself. Jason's photo skills are as good as mine, if not better though. Needs the other wheels on it for some extra bling!
  9. Paperclip

    Ali C Vlog

    Ah sweet, cheers. I got to watch Mike Curly (someone with a similar name who rides for Animal?) and his friend that's in a few joint dvd/ video's with him riding Clitheroe and they was just so good at them, they just took a foot off and did a tactical dab. It to me is just another league from a normal manual that balance point is just way way wrong haha.
  10. Explain the geo changed you've made please? The seat isn't my thing but its growing on me, the grips look like they're from some early 2000's micro scooter also. The fork dropouts look pretty cool. Nice bike Jason.
  11. Paperclip

    Ali C Vlog

    How wide are BMX bars compared to trials? BMX guys seem pretty good at bailing over but that could be them just stepping over the bars rather than having to do the full leap frog technique.
  12. Paperclip

    Clean - Rusty

    I can't even remember if I commented and I can't be bothered to check, this is so good. My favorite so far. Rusty my arse! I want to see some of Ben riding rocks next!
  13. Enjoyable to watch, we have to work on location now for you. Your local steet sucks so much so getting what you can while you go ride with Karl will be key to making your next video better. Riding improvement is outstanding, it'll be strange riding with you both again now you can both manual.
  14. UKKK Blonde KK Blonde 

  15. I heard B Travis is on commission with T B K. So so so good to watch, keep doing more that guy!!!
  16. Some say that correction hops are second nature to him. Others claim that he can on off his conti tyres at will. All we know is he's Dman

  17. So yeah I see this guy as having a similar outlook on things as myself and in my mind I have about three names but each time I'm just thinking one name out of all, the other two would also make sense. Though I am more than happy just annoying Mark with it if the real person is reading keep going and never let us know.
  18. Calm down guys, fair play on the comments but they've been pretty harsh on him, it's not really putting a bad name on demo teams of some locals want to do a show once a year and have a bit of fun, that's what it should be though kept between the locals and not offered as a "demo opportunity" I agree. These guys want to ride for a few days and enjoy themselves and attract some people to see them ride then they can? Forums all for shooting people down these days
  19. I don't often do the comment of videos on things like that especially via FB as more often than not its just full of "My son saw you at some random show back in the 1800's do you recognise him he was the boy with the mouth and eyes and shit", so I might start paying more attention to his comment section for the above.
  20. Really cool to see this happening more (him riding that is). Loved the Danny clip. Would be nice to see how many people in similar situations to him are thinking they want to do things like this, then seeing videos of people actually getting out and doing it. Younger people especially.
  21. On/Off still don't count in 2016
  22. I think that bad boy is a Bionic frame made by Zhi back in 08-09 ish.
  23. How Scottish do you need to be to enter? I look the part but can't understand a word anyone says to me bar a select few lol.
  24. It was really cool to see the clips from all but more riders again would have been cool, although any footage from the day is bonus. Really gutted that I didn't end up making the trip down in the end. Hopefully next year and manage to catch up with all over Radfest.
  25. Turns out the bike looks well in person or be more accurate turns out the bike looks well dented. Ross is riding it really good way better on disc brake once the pad rocks sorted.
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