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About theom

  • Birthday 07/23/1994

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    Gu typhoon 08

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. You lot ride today? We've been riding wigan for a few years now, never seen anyone!
  2. Got a link to this Facebook group? Theres a few of us who ride in Wigan, we ride Manchester a fair bit aswell!
  3. Try putting spacers between your hubspacer and snail cams so that its nice and snug against your frame.
  4. theom

    07 Pure

    Sweet setup, yeah theres a few of us in wigan. PM me your number and il drop you a text next time we're out round town if you fancy it!
  5. If its brand new they usually come already bled with royal blood, a water bleed will be fine!
  6. From what I can gather sounds like to need to take a few links out of your chain and stick the snailcams back on. If they dont fit either run them on the outside or just ram em' in.
  7. theom

    Not A Good Day!

    This But on the crank problem, just take the crankbolts out and ride it for a little while until they work their way loose. Or just wack em' with a hammer.
  8. You need to hold the grinder at a steeper angle to bite into the rim more, ive used really worn out - near smooth discs in the past and can still get a good grind out of them. You just have to adjust the grinder to the best angle to get it to bite into the rim.
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