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About smithy2050

  • Birthday 06/30/1987

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  1. Spec: ZOO! Piranha 2010 long frame try rim on a hope pro 2 front wheel onza ronnie rim on a zoo hub with echo sprocket rear wheel(soon to be Atomz Elitis rim on echo TR Hub rear wheel with a trial tech sprocket maxxis minon front tyre on rear wheel (makes it alot lighter so ive been told) maxxis front tyre echo sl freewheel try all cracks because stem an bash plate avid bb5 front disc (brand new) Rear Magura HS33 with heatsink coust pads meta bars fsa pig headset onza bb trial tech foam grips pro carbon frame protector onza kmc chain an thats it comments welcome
  2. do u mean like this http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=20304&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=Google-Products-UK
  3. smithy2050


    does anyone know the best tyre to fit a ZOO! Piranha long frame i tired a rubber queen but it rubed quite a bit cheers andrew
  4. heat sink yellows on a medium grind =perfect
  5. mines 2009 got it early this year an almost finished getting it the way i want it just need to change the front wheel an hub
  6. i like how it looks an im going for a red theme
  7. if u say so but its not what it looks like its how it rides an it rides perfect
  8. it rides perfect the way i like it anyway pro just keep it the way it is as im going for a red theme im gonna put red zoo stickers on it soon
  9. Spec: Zoo Piranha long frame onza ronnie an reggie rear wheel dmr dv front wheel (for now need to do change hub on other rim) zoo rear hub with echo sprocket deore front disc hub clarks front hyro disc brake rear hs33 with heatsink pads rear onza sticky fingers tire front red kenda tire onza bb tryall crank arms tensile front freewheel because bash plate an stem meta flat handlebars trial tech foam grips ashton fatty forks pro carbon frame protecter tnn brake clamps fsa the pig headset an thats it for now comments welcome onza pedals
  10. yea i know i ordered one yesterday
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