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About lincsmike09

  • Birthday 06/11/1985

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    adamant a1 modstock,fatty forks,hs33,sd5,gu cranks,tensile,echo,zoo,adamant

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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. hi anyone got any decent vids of riding at stanage edge or burbage valley at all?
  2. Hey just getting back into trials after 8 years off and just wondered how many people rode in Lincolnshire and where nowadays
  3. hey anyone riding skegness this sunday the 14th june? am thinking of coming over with few other lads if they up for it
  4. Is this you Harry

  5. most discos have all of that except maybe abs cos thats for fairys who cant drive
  6. i have a 300tdi disco and have to say land rovers really are best thing out i use mine everyday and off road and it takes about 1 min to get bike in what more could you want
  7. hey is anyone riding clee or skeg at all over the weekend??
  8. oh so not too hefty then might have to invest would love inspired but for 1/3 price marino sounds better
  9. Hi does anyone know roughly the weight of a Marino 24 with Inspired geo??? as im thinking of investing in one for my self if weight isnt over the top heavy. Cheers guys and gals mike
  10. was it the 20 or 26 you are talking about. as the 26 is a nice riding streety kind of style bike where as the 20 is more a beginners bike like da bombs cheap onzas etc
  11. this kid is nothing short of amazing i bet inspired make a killing on their bikes with people like him showing them off
  12. i'd say double magura as with having discs you may fall onto them bending them which will get costly where as maguras are well tucked out of the way and well tried and tested. And also the amount of new pads out for magura's today is awesome loads good choice.
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