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Burton trials boys

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About Burton trials boys

  • Birthday 01/01/1985

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    Paul Seddon + Ben Newman
  • Bike Ridden

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  • Location
    Burton On Trent

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Burton trials boys's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Yea would be gud leave me a message on here nxt time ur planning a ride and il sort something out, cheers!
  2. Hi, my name is Paul Seddon 24 I ride as often as possible with my mate Ben Newman 24. we both have a new enthusiasm for the sport and can't wait for the London ride!!! I ride an old pashely 26MHz fame i don't get on with the new longer trials frames, I'm a short arse! May switch to 24" soon. Ben rides a toxsin frame never seen another one don't no where he found it lol. We are looking for riders in our area, a few years back there were plently. Now theres 2! and there getting lonely lol. We also ride in Uttoxeter, Tamworth, Litchfeild and Derby often. Just thought id say the london ride sounds crazy! can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Hi im Paul 24 I ride an old pashely 26MHz frame (old school lol) been riding for about 8 years on and prob more off lately. Just started riding again before xmas with my mate Ben Newman. We've got loads of new enthusiasm for riding and saw the info about London street ride and wanted to let you no we're coming. looks like it will be ace!!!!!!! To be on the same ride as Ashton and all the other pros would be a amazing!
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