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About Rycka

  • Birthday 06/01/1992

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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Rycka

    Bask @ Noni

    What camera and lens do you use? Looks really amazing!
  2. Just found this, thought I would share it with you: http://trial4you.ru/?act=videos&atn=sh...093120=48#video Crazy stuff! To fronts are ridiculous...
  3. Rycka

    Night Ride

    I haven't noticed this, until you said Looks like he always bends his foot like this. Here's his bigger sidehop(photo took on the same day earlier):
  4. Felix on Marino? Isn't he sponsored by Inspired? Amazing vid by the way. Marco is still one of my favorite riders, so powerful and smooth
  5. Hey everyone, Here are some pics from a short night ride in Vilnius, Lithuania. Rider - Sania, photos by me. I'm completely new to photography, so please don't judge me Just getting used to a new camera. Comments are welcome!
  6. Thanks mate! Guess not so many people are reading the New Members chat
  7. Hey everyone! I would like to present you a chilled video of our looong trip to Koxx Days 2009(we driven about 5000km). It mostly includes media from our joyful journey, some riding in Paris streets and, of course, in Buthiers. There's a little bit of Max-T, Steve Rogers and Andrew Walker riding(relaxed evening ride in the campsite). Don't expect much from our riding, but the whole trip was really exciting. Hope you'll enjoy! 409mb, 11.48min: http://vimeo.com/4221429 P.S. Shame I can't put this in the video section, because I'm still a pre-member Comments are welcome!
  8. He's 12?! You've got to be kidding! It's amazing! Very big and smooth riding! Can't imagine what a monster he's going to be after a few years... Best of luck to him! Keep it up!
  9. Edit wasn't my cup of tea, intro was a bit too long. But overall vid was great, some really good riding with chilled music. Keep it up! How did you manage to break forks? Guess it's from hook ups? I'm asking, because in three years of riding I haven't broken any
  10. Thanks again for all the comments! Glad you like it. Yeah, I just to ride on really low tyre pressure. Only now realized, how uncomfortable that was! Sidehops were about 110cm(about 43 inches). Hey mate! I haven't heard about you, do you live in UK? Are you coming back home sometimes? We should ride together
  11. 3dd

    Sveikas! Kaip sekasi, kaip ten Alexandas S.? Pazinau tave is LT forumo. PAts is Panevezio, dabar UK gyvenu, trials4ever :)


  12. thanks! the song is Bonobo - Magicman
  13. Hey everyone, First of all, I would like to introduce. My name is Rytis, I'm 16 years old, been riding trials for about 3 years. I'm from a small country, called Lithuania. Been reading this forum for almost 4 years and only now decided to join it, because I think that now I have enough experience to discuss about trials and share my opinion with you. I don't have much to say right now, just that I ride a kid's bike at the moment - Gu Le 20". Here's some photos of my beast: Also, please take a look at my newest video, made in 2008 summer: http://vimeo.com/1667235 (HD quality, so I recommend to download it) I thinks that's all for now. Enjoy! Comments are welcome!
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