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Everything posted by Matt24.

  1. Matt24.

    Glasseye Dvd

    I remeber downloading a trailer of a new glasseye dvd coming out a while back which the trailer looked imense on and i wondered where I could get it or whether it got released? If any one knows it would be appreciated. Thanks Matt
  2. Matt24.

    Grip Sweat

    I find I get this too but find the best thing is to carry a very small towel and tuck it into your trousers or get a beer mat towel and carry that, they are cheap and quickly get rid of sweaty grips and sweaty hands :).
  3. Yeah thats me. I hope to be at the next round, probably see you there (Y)
  4. They are on eeeenwrjhldghlkajh how ever you sodding spell it. I tend to prefer not to wheelie gap, I can wheelie gap but I prefer the technique with static and feel I have achieved more if I pull it static rather than wheelie hopping it. I am not sure if I have improved since mod, my gaps are about the same but my sidehops are getting better but that is probably where I have just improved my technique over time. Steve o I remeber you from the second from last essex comp, I was riding an old skool steel monty x hydra. I should be at anoher round soon :deej: Atleast someone liked the music (Y) Oh and for the weight thing, I would say the best thing is to learn to drop your wheel and come to the back of your bike with your ass over the rear tyre and then as you go forward aim to hit your waist into the bars and then throw the bike with this movement. Practise on small gaps trying to use your movement more than a pedal and try gapping off rails so you dont have the room to use a lot of pedal to kick.
  5. haha fair enough, I understand the music isnt to everyones taste. I like the 50 cent bit but that happens to start as my vid finishes so ohwell. Cheers for the comments guys, I usually do wear a helmet but point accepted I will from always now, :turned: (gf watched vid and commented about the helmet too)
  6. 70 views and no replies? some one must have whatched it. Give me some feedback please, would be much appreciated. I'm 16 been riding for a year and 9 months. I am not bothered if its negative, I am not going to tantrum like some peopl negative feedback can be handy.
  7. This is just a quick video of local shizzle, shot and made one afternoon as I wanted to see how I looked riding stock as I have ridden mod previously and swaped 2 weeks ago, any how have a look at the video and let me know what you think. If anyone would be so kind as to trials shack it I would be really grateful as so others can watch. http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-trials/movie_5.wmv Many thanks Matt Hart
  8. Looks very clean and tidy, should be a nice little riding bike mate, I use to run a formula before and they were not bad but just make sure the bolt at the lever where the hose is stays tight as they have a tendacy to come lost and the bolts at the resvoir very easily round off if you ever need to bleed it.
  9. Matt24.

    Click Me !

    Sorry I prefered your DBR, I think the echo's look best in silver, I guess thats why the company choose to produce them in that colour :sleeping: . Whats happened with the DBR Mr Munn?
  10. Cheers, It was only some stuff I filmed when out on a trip in harlow searching for the bigger new lines for my next proper video. Cheers for the comments, anymore welcome...
  11. Really there didnt need to be 6 pages of posts although with the riding it is understandable. Just three words should have been used NO F**KING WAY
  12. Here is just a vid with some clips I am not using in my next main video, still not that bad, give me some thoughts on it, many thanks Matt. Oh yeah it is a eenghrfiweurgfiher link at the mo, if any one is willing could they trials shack it for me ? It would be a great help if anyone could. http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-trials/matt_vid_4.wmv Many thanks Matt
  13. Matt24.

    Stuff for sale

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