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Everything posted by Matt24.

  1. Completely wrong!!!!!!! 20/26/24 are all designed for different styles of riding. You can be 6 foot and still ride a mod and 5 foot 5 and still be ok on a stock. Try and get out on each one have a go and see what you feel you suit, I have ridden all types over many years and each type has helped me progress on the other...
  2. The reason you do not see them anymore is when they were created to allow v riders to benefit from the range of maggie pads you could not get for v, however now a days v's have a strng range of decent pads to get so no real need for these.......
  3. In the last ten years I have tried pretty much most variations grind no grind, tar, monty brake spray, various other substances for grip, but have to say after that period of time have gone back to a smooth rim well set up. If you spend the time to set up your brake well with either v or hs33 a smooth rim with decent pads will perform very well. I would however invest in a booster. I have always found that keeping the brake clean rather than using additional substances to make it more grabby is far more effective. I do agree with people above though that if you ride natural a lot or ride in the wet then a grind will be the only way to save you looping out, but if you are a fair weather rider then just take the time to set up your brake properly, grab yourself a booster and keep it clean.............
  4. sstien I am pretty sure with a slightly harder gear I would have made that gap to the black block....... I do remeber gears being a pain however I have a lot more patience now I am a little older. I may still twat my leg I ride a 609 so not that long low......
  5. sounds like times havnt moved on since when i used to run them back in the day. Cheers guys, will stick with what i used to run.........
  6. As title suggest, who runs gears these days. I did back in the day and moved away years ago, however am looking to put some on again, just wondering what set ups people use at the moment????
  7. Have to agree to be honest. I am not knocking the guys potential. Clearly has some, however the clips I found most unstylish were the ones that were clearly not in the demo. 360 at the end clearly wasn't a 360, kudos to the go for it attitude but I would have said he had plenty of skill to make a video to include some of the streety stuff, manuals were cool, then once you have the other bits dialed like the 360 then include them. I'll be honest I hate the whole spanish demo style of throwing your bike front rear left right down up continually with what looks like no idea on what your planning next. Funny thing is I look forward to the next video in anticipation that after riding that type of riding for a while maybe the style and ability to not look sketchy will have disappeared and the video will be good...........
  8. Rubber doesn't but bash rings do! Never had trouble with Police in ten years of riding. Only time I have ever come close is when people I have ridden with get mouthy to them rather than be co-operative, at the end of the day they are just doing there job and as long as you polite and have a bit of courtesy I think most people can avoid trouble.
  9. It may weigh that of a baby elephant. However in my eyes its the right front end for the frame, keep it traditional, good job. I ran those forks must be coming up 8 years ago on a planet x jackflash haha, those where the days. I can guarentee a good positive the owner will never have to worry about snapping them, solid as foooooook...... Sweet looking ride (Put some brakes on )
  10. I am in bearing in mind i was riding london anyway ), I'll let the Chai know and see if any other locals are about....
  11. As above Leeson 609 stolen from Joel Bennetts place a few days ago, please keep a look out and give us a shout if anyone spots it on ebay or goes up in for sale section. Picture below Matt 07595692672 matthewstevenhart@gmail.com
  12. Matt24.

    Ashton Et24

    As far as I can recall the frame was a good frame, yes was notorious for not being the srongest and cracking like a lot of the earlier ashton's. However that really depends on how abusive you are going to be towards it, geo was good though for street, not the most trialsy of geo's. Link below to the man Edd Tongue riding one. I do agree with the above comment though, does seem steep, I dont remeber them being much more than that new and bear in my mind if they are still in stock you can get a brand new ashton/db kit from Tarty for a lot less. I would be looking ball park figure of £150 or maybe a little less!!!!!
  13. I have ridden for nearly ten years now and I think once had an old lady tell me she pays tax not for the wall to be hopped on and kept walking. I ride city centre of London a lot and have never come across an aggressive or abrupt security, they have always been fairly polite. My personal opinion are most of them become abrupt when people can clearly see them walking towards them look at them and just keep riding. At the end of the day it is there Job to keep the building areas safe for public and visitors so if you are hopping up down and on walking spaces for an outsider away from the sport it isn't going to look or be safe, I am sure at some point all of us have come close to a pedestrian we have not seen. You can blame the influx of claim firms for a lot of it as most companies don't want you on there property as if you fall of break your back and what they have in place to stop you fails you will have a case to sue through one of these ridiculous capitalist firms that are purely out to help ruin the economy even further. Point being never never had trouble in ten years a common scenario was earlier today on a companies building and security politely came over I stopped as I saw him coming and he said can you not ride at this time, its quiet round here after 7 or on sundays come back then, numerous police cars in london as usual and bobbies walking round and not one of them gave me any issue as I was being considerate of people around me and not acting like a douche.......
  14. Yeah if I go the shifter way that will be the plan or maybe chain stay if I get an old school thumb shifter
  15. I think i will try in order of Lukes idea first singulator next and if all fails run a shifter want to avoid running more cables and more things to go wrong...cheers guys
  16. Thats a good little idea there Luke, I am assuming I will have to run the two cogs fairly close to allow the barrel adjuster to move enough to swap the gears...
  17. JD the flippant comment was not made at yourself, it was for the man who quoted its a silly thread. I am not to keen on running a full set of gears and I would still like the chain to be as tight as poss on tensioner as it will only be occasionally I ride park, trails, just want it there for when I do hence wanting to do it that way.
  18. My apologies for being thick and producing a thick thread, however you can be safe in the knowledge that now I am that little bit smarter after this thread. I may even be upgraded to being allowed to move from picture books to reading the sun, I have been waiting a long time for that, I have always wanted to know what those women near the front are seeing, but thank you. In hindsight maybe the silliness is not correctly reading the original topic thread which was not related to gears in the first place merely that if I had two cogs would a tensioner off set from the chain line hold correctly skip run etc????? Oh and bender b rodreguez thanks for the advice I am thinking I am going to run with a 12 then....
  19. Cheers, going to go get me a good sprung tensioner and another cog, whats the smallest cog anyone has seen single speed wise , I have found 12 but was hoping i could get down to 10 or 9........
  20. just wondering but I ride a bit of park aswell as mostly trials and when I am riding park obviously my gearing is far too easy, just wondered with a single speed rear tensioner if I run another sprocket at the back with the chain line not as central as it normally is due to the trials cog being there would it work ok or would it skip? Thoughts opinions? Matt
  21. What was wrong with coffee, I want to see who nescaffe sponsor ......
  22. I have had a few split link join pieces break on me when i first started riding around 10 years ago. Since then I have only ever used full links horizontal or vertical dropouts, I have only snapped one chain and I think that was down to poor maintenance. You have to remember it may not be the move you are doing that weakens the chain it could have been happening since the second pedal stroke of the ride and that last 270 pushed it over, just be glad you weren't gapping full force
  23. I am pretty sure the easiest way is Parent sponsorship, tell them your awesome this hoppy thing will make you rich one day your the only one that can do it and can you please keep providing me with free equipment, it helps to also be a bit of a diva so start wearing women's clothes and having hissy fits continually at the fact that you didn't iron my dress properly for riding. I have not seen this method in action however reading through I am sure this approach requires less effort for the same desired effect. Firstly people will point and stare at you smiling maybe even laughing at you doing your hoppy thing, you will have continual free equipment and with all the hissy fitting you wont just feel sponsored you'll feel like a rock star. I thank you, I'm a genius. If only I didn't have an already perfectly mapped out career I may do this myself....
  24. Maybe get a penny farthing or a full susser? I don't know. Are you commuting on it as then you may want a seat? Maybe a road bike, I heard bianchi are good? But your best bet is probably going to halfords and asking them they have a hut for bikes....
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