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Everything posted by Matt24.

  1. I have had a new one since Jan this year and hasn’t skipped once. Maybe worth getting in touch with Hope and have a chat with them as don’t think it should be like that if brand new.
  2. Shadow conspiracy super light jobby piss pot but doesn’t sound like your style, but nice and light and sits nicely without moving.
  3. Nice video, really enjoyed it. I’m still not sure on bar spins people are doing when they aren’t being caught properly but all in all really enjoyable to watch
  4. Good luck getting back into it! At 31 and being a bit sporadic through my twenties at riding with life seeming to get in the way I’m having the best fun I have had on a bike since rolling over my first tree stump at 13!
  5. That was good that! Nice and chilled and just enjoyable to watch. As above nice to see a bit more trials focused video on an inspired :-).
  6. Any update on the build of this one! Interested to see the finished article
  7. Have to say out of all of that enjoyed the sidehop to wooden fence post turned corner up the most!
  8. I guess reading down this whether it’s a comp rider or Damon its all bloody impressive!! I have to say though, I live under a rock so had never seen joacim but that stuff looked very casual and kind of enjoyed that.
  9. It’d be interesting to see The TGS rider on a comp bike and a comp rider on an old TGS beast, it’s got to make a difference to what they are able to do? I’m not informed enough but always felt back in the day a TGS bike was very specifically setup for that riding and would imagine a modern comp bike is more versatile? But then is a modern comp bike tweaked to be easier for sidehopping than a TGS bike built for it back in the day?!?
  10. I don’t think I’ve ever come across anything unfortunately that has a tan sidewall for 24” and stands up to trials. Think you found the only option and the only way it’d be safe is to cut the bead off a spare tyre and run it wound the inside like I did in the early 2000’s!!!!
  11. At least enjoyable to watch if it wasn’t to make! Loved the line on the yellow wall with the cheeky slide down it at the end!
  12. Really good video. Nice variety of riding. Hope to keep seeing some longer edits out of him like this...
  13. I have to say I agree. Really wasn’t sure about that barrel role! I much prefer him to be on his enduro bike if doing this kind of stuff. I’d have to question if this was driven by mongoose trying to show his versatile and capable these bikes are whether he wanted to do this style of riding on this style of bike. I think the music didn’t help for me either - not my kind of thing.
  14. Similar experience to the above. Pinched a lot, and then tore a sidewall. If you after some cheaper similar tyres found holy roller and Kenda krad better.
  15. Out of interest what do you mean by bad spinning habits? 15 years ago I went through the experience of being told to swap my sidehops and did. But when you talk about poor habits - what is it I may / may not have caused??
  16. I enjoyed the video some really cool techy stuff. The only bit I am disappointed about is that some of those spots looked like they had some really good trials lines in as well as the Bmx influenced street stuff and would have been nice to get a bit more trials mixed in as not seen too much of his riding but expect he has the capability. Also agree on the fun element - some of that stuff even at that level surely you’d have been pretty stoked on!
  17. I’ve been using an xt 4 pot with 160 rotor with trial tech pads and it feels more than powerful enough for me, as I side hop left I do like the fact it is tucked up out the way more than bigger rotors. Not sure the flex or weight is going to be much different though if you are looking for those to be impacted...
  18. I echo herbertlemon to be honest. Typically found in the past that I didn’t enjoy something about the style of riding, couldn’t ever put my finger on it and obviously accepted he is clearly very talented on a bike but just something felt off. However this one just seemed to have a different feel, more fun, more engaging and to be fair some of the stuff was genuinely pretty ballsy. Hope it continues .....
  19. I would have thought It’s unlikely it’ll have the quality to stand up to trials. You’d better with a cheap v brake and decent pads for a similar price.
  20. If I’m not mistaken think the zoots were ever so slightly longer than inspireds. In the context of starting again not sure there is enough in the difference to make much difference!
  21. Really enjoy watching videos you make, and The odd thing is I’m not really a fan of the ‘Pogos’ but something about your style I really enjoy! Keep it up
  22. Late last year picked this frame up from a chap called Mike up near Sheffield, have been building and changing odd bits over Since the start of the year to get it spot on. Pretty happy with it now, always like one offs and stuff that is a little different. This replaced a 24” Leeson I had held onto for a long time waiting for something a little different. Tried to keep it relatively light but strong enough for street. Think the build comes in just on 9kg. 24” Customer ti 24” Frame and Forks (close to mk2 fourplay geo) Hope Pro4 Hubs front and rear on onza drilled rims Bonz 2 piece cranks with trial tech bash Shimano XT disc brakes with EBC red pads Clean Carbon Bars Trialtech stem Tioga Pivotal Spyder Bmx race seat Gusset plastic pedals Gusset lock on grips (not convinced might go back to foam!) Kenda Krad tyres (probably getting changed to conti soon) Thanks Matt
  23. Hey - was good to meet you. Glad to see your footage up. Let us know when your in London next, Matt (grey triton)
  24. Enjoyed that. Transported me back a few years - although would have been nice to see some slightly longer lines on a fair amount of what you were doing. I always enjoy the build up to the banger rather than just capturing the single move. Either way keep it up - and keep the metal tunes coming!!
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