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Dazza1414 last won the day on January 10 2023

Dazza1414 had the most liked content!

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  • Real Name
    Darren Haines
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    inspired Hex, Ashton Justice, Echo Pure,RK Response
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Dazza1414's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. @Robq7653 what Renthal bars are they?
  2. @aener what bar stem combo are you running on the Hex?
  3. @Jules n Wrong type of forum mate, this is pedal bikes, you want to try trials central for motorbike trials.
  4. How so? Cannot see any anything inspired by motorbikes I have ridden for 30+ years. Except the brand name?
  5. Does a decent left hand raceline yellow lever actually exist?

  6. What size are the pistons for the Raceline style lever? I've never actually stripped one down.
  7. I'm wondering if any can help , I have one of the original ( I think ) inspired Hex frames with magura mounts and no disc mount in the green colour way and was wondering if anyone one here would know what the correct paint code would be? Picture added below.
  8. Nice build , some decent condition Racelines you have got there not to mention the Ashton seat and forks that I would actually kill to find!
  9. Nice bike @Alex Dark. Could be interested in the inspired forks if you decide to move them on.
  10. @Ali C would probably be the best person to talk to.
  11. This may be of some help
  12. might have one in the garage
  13. Bugger! do you know when the correct one to fit will be back in stock @Adam@TartyBikes?
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