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About neonneon

  • Birthday 07/18/1992

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    Charlie Jennings
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Neon Conquer Red bits Bodged

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  • Location
    Silver End

neonneon's Achievements

Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Thats the responce I got before i had the land, the permission and some funding... Look what I got??
  2. Might aswell close this thread. Thanks guys. I actually thought I'd get a bit more support from you guys... Clearly not. Charlie
  3. Whats wrong with trying? I'll speak to a few contacts about funding Charlie
  4. As I said, I don't like giving up and I'm not giving up on this.... Charlie
  5. I was never told, this will help us, because of the point I said earlier. Anyway, we have nothing to loose... We have 10k from BAA... Ignore the link, dan has redirected it to a rick roll... And I can't edit the post. EDIT: I've removed the redirection now. I don't see what the problem with me persuing the trials park.. We have worked so hard to get further than anybody else has before in getting a trials park, Why stop now? If we fight hard enough, we will get it... If I want to do it I will.. Sorry about Dan changing the link, I don't see any reason for doing this. Charlie
  6. He's part of the company that funded us and generally helping with the build. He was basically the bloke we contacted/had meetings with.
  7. Yes mate, in Braintree, near Chelmsford
  8. His email address is already public. It's on the sport Essex website. I think this is a great way to show the sport from multiple views and shows the amount of people that would be interested in the trials park. Maybe it's a good idea to put a bit of personality into the emails, maybe say where your from, your age, how often you ride e.t.c. Charlie
  9. Right guys, As some of you may know, We have managed to get pretty far in getting a trials park built.. We have permission to build it. We have funding to build it We have land to build it and we also have a professional designer to design it. BUT The guy who i am supposed to be contacting has chosen to start ignoring my emails... I've sent him Danny Mack videos and news items e.t.c. and he's totally blanked me. So, what I need is for you guys to email him telling him how amazing the sport is and why we need the trials park BUT PLEASE ONLY EMAIL IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE RESPECTFUL, SPELL PROPERLY AND ACTUALLY ARE GOING TO SENT SOMETHING WORTHY OF SENDING, WE DONT WANT TO GIVE TRIALS A BAD NAME... Use the subject "Great Notley Trials Park" His email address is: alistair.russell@sportessex.org.uk Feel free to include your videos (again nothing disrespectful) http://onemotion.co.uk/gtnotley.pdf Designs are there, for reference. EDIT: If you don't want to send an email, just posting some ideas here would be good Charlie
  10. Lol, Errm... My brake booster seemed to make my brake louder, because it amplifies the vibrations. Also: Pads have nothing to do with it as better pads would probably make frame flex worse... If your going to comment, make it worthy... Brake boosters basically stiffen the frame because in braking, sometimes the frame can flex outwards, causing damage to the frame and effecting brake power. Some frames have built in Brake boosters or some frames are stiffer than others. I'd strongly reccomend running a booster as it protects your hose/brake and it also can act as a nice little seat Charlie
  11. http://tinyurl.com/mlvmwk Learn how to use google.. Christ.
  12. Nothing wrong T-Pro's especially the '08 models And the T-Comp is 5mm longer
  13. Okay... I don't.... I just don't like my work being used without any recognition, it's not much to ask for a small bit of text, is it?
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