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Lord Banks

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    2012 Onza Bird still running cable brakes :-/
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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    Newcastle on Tyne

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Depends, if its just shop finance then yes, but if its through the Cycle to Work scheme then no. (well you can, but you have to tell them and then repay it all back in one).
  2. Does anyone find it weird as soon as you introduce any kind of height to a log, your balance goes all to pot, I can ride along a line on the ground no bother, but raise it up six inches and I just fall of.
  3. I love how grass is growing out of that wall, I've never seen that before, looks cool.
  4. Don't think Boris Bikes have drilled rims.
  5. You should really learn both ways if you ride natural though, sometimes you don't have a choice which side you have to do it.
  6. I've never found anything about the 'sinks' either, it was just what some auld wifey at work said a few year back. I was a bit like you and up until that point I'd never met anyone who'd experienced it or knew what I meant, she just casually said, "oh yeah, the sinks, I used to get that".
  7. I used to get something similar as a kid, there was no demons or anything, but it would be like I was awake, and everything in the room was getting bigger, it’s hard to explain, but like my perspective was being stretched, but at the same time like I was a giant in a tiny room. But I couldn’t move to get out of it. Somebody said ages back it was called the ‘Sinks’.
  8. check it oot:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_slip
  9. hmm, I get a creakey front end on my bmx all the time, its because i ride it mostly in a dusty old skatepark, clean the bearings out and its alright for a few days.
  10. I don't actually own this, but I so so want it> http://www.pashley.co.uk/products/speed-5.html
  11. Ahh! that clown freaked me out.
  12. Drilling holes is a bit dodgy, when the bike takes a ‘shock’, the energy reverberates and gets absorbed into the metal, with holes everywhere, that energy travels further and for longer and gets into the joins and weld areas easier.
  13. I still ride bmx and I find going from bmx to trials takes abit getting used to. Even with my dodgy arm, my bmx just floats of the ground, but my trials bike feels like a pig (until I get used to it). I put it down to the wheelbase.
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