Missing 8 spoke holes is quite alot, but could get away with it if your not running a disk, 24h is abit stupid unless they brought out a really light hub aswell, idk if they have or not.
I remeber like a year and a half ago, you couldnt even buy white trials parts, there was like 4 people who sprayed there rims that colour. whites getting boring and OTT now, just like green did on Zoo Pythons.
Yeah but doesn't mean it's not racist and wouldnt offend him wog is short for golliwog, which are now banned from this country, and some people find it offencive when you say shut up u golliwog, for example..
Cool, why the front King? And how flexy is the rear brake? the tubes around the brake mounts look cool, dunno if thats acting as a booster type thing or what, would be good to see on some deng frames if it works.
okay? lets act hard over the net wtf are u doin' seriously, who cares if ur a boxer, dont be abit too hardcore.. dont ruin another thread u tit. im off now before another warn, cya..