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Mat Smith!!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!!

  1. 08 Tps crack loads, I've seen 1 07 GU snap and was like a hook to downtube or something, so it just snapped at the top of the bashplate.
  2. Frenchies are well beeeeeast .
  3. Whos that? anymore by him?
  4. Lol thats got abit old now, thought the video had alot of vartiation to be honest.
  5. Put a water mark on them? and if he wants to use them he can pay you if your really that pro.
  6. Jeez, good riding. Wouldn't dare do half of that off wet pallets . Bigmans a beeeeeeast.
  7. You've never even met me so how can you even call me by my full name like that? but whatever, we dont abuse our bikes we just ride them how they should be ridden.
  8. . He edited his post because he'd obviously got the wrong end of the stick or something, and you cant leave a blank message?
  9. Because you try bigger stuff?
  10. Bikes nice, tighten ur chain though duuuuuuuude.
  11. I snapped mine agggess ago, in the same place lol. LOL Connor stfu, u know nothing, clearly...
  12. Coools, get one Mike .
  13. There all pretty weak/cheap frames to be honest.
  14. Was gonna' suggest these to you Mike, look alright, nice geo for the long also. Adam, how flexy are the stays? like if you push the dropouts together, because my Python hardly moves, but Echo Lite moves loads, and I can tell in the braking power/flex.
  15. Haha fail, seen kyle hinchcliffe snap zoo's doing a sidehop so meh . I only sidehop for videos cos I know forum loves it.
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