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Mat Smith!!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!!

  1. If you drag your brake around or let it rub all the time while riding then obviously they will wear down, use your front brake when riding down hills, or walk if youve got a grind on the front, and only use your back brake when you need it, e.g on the back wheel.
  2. It's a levelboss EDIT: didnt see muels post lol
  3. It's not even hard to download it, so i dunno what hes boasting about lol, id just rather wait untill the release date and not f**k up my xbox, and waste alot time, warrentee on my xbox by chipping it.
  4. i feel privalaged to take it off your hands after you had it for such a long time, thanks.
  5. That video sounds sooo wrong, its terrible.
  6. I thought about it, but read up that you have to change the bulbs alot and there pretty expencive? might want to concider that.
  7. take it you downloaded the game? for free, which makes it illigal? if you didnt get it illigally then its perfectly fine. one of my mates from college downloaded cod5 before it came out and went online and there was like 5 admins playing and he got his xbox banned , so just incase you was thinking of doing that.
  8. I sidehopped that wall he hooked in hull lmao
  9. Cod4 is 40 quid brand new still lmao, lowest you'll ever get mw2 is probs 35, unless its robbed/from a mate whatever.
  10. There is lol, pretty sure that quarry what ali c was apart of is alot better than that. Edit: called lee mill quarry or something, i cant remember lol.
  11. Aspect ratio looks well out, i couldnt really watch it because it was annoying me so much, but the riding seemed amazing
  12. Got Borderlands and its soooo amazing, 100% worth it
  13. Sweeeeeeeet, vid soon pal? .
  14. OH MY HOLY BOOSTER, whys it so high up? use smaller spacers and bolts LOL
  15. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  16. that could be ANY company lol, and ive never noticed that in your sig and doesnt mean much to someone whos been out of trials for 3 years .
  17. LMAO, didnt really like the video, was pretty boring.
  18. haha that looks awsome, blue chain though?
  19. 3's too small, 4's too big , i think you know the answer.
  20. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  21. 31st of October, me and lazenby are goin to blackburn, probs be able to get 2-3 more people to come with me, anyone else welcome.
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