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Mat Smith!!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!!

  1. exactly, its easyer, cheaper, and works better, less faffing about afterwards and you dont have to use hairspray to make them stick.
  2. Dip a spoke in some water then push it into the grip, once its all the way to the other side you can twist them and pull them off, its easy enough once you get the hang of it, dont use wd40, it will make your grips spin when you put them back on, use a bit of water to put them back on and leave it to dry.
  3. If you orderd a red one, im glad he sent u a black one maybe he has taste haha. If he sent it as a gift thats cool.
  4. Yeah, they all snap there, my mates went there aswell, his didnt cover half the tube though, it was about an inch long and it lasted ages, well the headtube didnt fall off, the dropouts did about 4 months after it cracked there .
  5. Looks strong for a Koxx frame
  6. well.... my mate had a koxx kenny thing, and it cracked in 4 places, he drilled each side of the cracks and it never started cracking in the same place, it then cracked on both dropouts and he couldnt drill them out, so it eventually snapped there, so it will work, but you will have some horrible noises and flex coming from your frame, this also had a flat downtube, was the most abused frame i have ever seen, and from a koxx it lasted nearly 3 years, with alot of heavy riders . so it will work, it'll just be gross and will probs crack in a different place in 3-4 months .
  7. Take the disk rotor off you bellend looks nice though mikey .
  8. Took you 3 attempts? or was that just on film lol, pretty nice sidehop btw.
  9. haha ahh right , we'll have to wait and see then
  10. why would he recive the import tax in 2-3 weeks? after hes already got what he wanted? parts are like half the price of tarty so ill probs be ordering my new stuff from there lol
  11. Yep haha, everything was good apart from anything what involved fluid or bearings lol.
  12. 1005 max, get one of the new zoo lynx or echo lites.
  13. It'll go in easyer with abit of grease but it doesnt really matter if they go in already, are they really hard to put in or something?
  14. 04 is the longest at 1060 all the way at the back of the dropouts with zoo forks
  15. Yeh man, just put your headtube in the vice and squeeze the cups in, obviously making sure there straight, its pretty hard to flare a headtube, ive NEVER used a headset press, always used my hands or a vice, ive put in like 50 headsets in diff peoples bikes etc, honestly you wont have any problems using wood or whatever, just make sure its straight .
  16. Thats good, I'm gonna order some stuff , how do i order?
  17. So it ACCTUALLY came? how much did it cost you and how long did it take to come?
  18. Yeah threads are a stupid idea, but what about people running freewheels?
  19. Make it 1025-1035 with 55bb, dunno about chainstays just yet.
  20. That purple one is sooo nice, whos is it? .
  21. I snapped an axel in 2 of them but meh there reyt, these were like a year old each and you can probs buy replacement axels.
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