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Mat Smith!!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!!

  1. Who was that cool kid with the green thing in his ear? wtf was that btw? amazing video lmao.
  2. Muel, that looks f**king stupid haha, better than nowt though i suppose
  3. It works again woooooooooooooooo! no u cant have an invite cos im tight haha
  4. I like good quality videos/music lol
  5. LMFAO at that, ur a f**king idiot haha i wrote bolty on the wall haha
  6. I could do it with a backflip first though
  7. In the past 10 years danny mac would pretty much be on par with every other 24 inch rider if it wasnt for that video which was brought out like 6 months ago or whatever, so from the past 10 years i dunno, i didnt even know who danny mac was untill 2009 pretty much.
  8. amazing game, got to level 28 or something haha, it gets really hard at times . EDIT: For ipod btw
  9. Have they been speaking to onza about what colours to choose? think they went halfs on the paint? thought u was sponsored by marino or something?
  10. lmao at me just sat there with the bright white helmet on int first clip
  11. Time? Send me an invite I SHIXX I got 12 - 1 last time i played search but i dont play it often haha.
  12. They dont look as nice, remind me of onza forks, like instead of the urbans/zoos being fatter at the top then geting thinner, these are just onza-ified.
  13. That made my riding worse, who the f**k is that retard? WORST RIDER EVER
  14. Possibly THE hardest front ends to pull up in the world on them bikes, along with the t-rex which is the same i think?
  15. That eggigioedee website aswell, that isnt the acctual name, but someone will know which i mean haha xD
  16. no not worth it at all, ive had 3 and after 2 u get 5000xp lol, think you get 500xp for calling it at the end of a game.
  17. xD ive had 3, what killstreaks were u using?
  18. it says it does, but it doesnt lol, it only does it on certain guns, the model 1887s with fmj + akimbo have the same range as they did before the patch, that doesnt increase the damage, its different to every gun, some guns it doesnt even make a difference, the game is so f**ked up you have no recoil with a holographic sight and then crazy recoil with a red dot on some guns, its stupid. have you seen the glitched lobbies with speed hack and jump hack? ive been in a few on domination and they are SO annoying, also 2million xp per kill in some lobbies, i havent been in 1 of them yet and dont really want to, i dont want to be 10th prestiege within 10 kills, thats ridic.
  19. But you can buy tyres without tread? are they not ment to grip?
  20. Its pretty much bens old bike, no idea why mikey would acctually swap all that shit for an 07 gu with king etc
  21. WHAT? how does something telling you on the map were everyone on the other team is, not help? Id rather have stopping power pro over hardline, or light weight pro so i can change weapons quicker for faster ownageeeeee. EDIT: and oh by the way, to the guy on about fjm, everyone says it increases your damage but it doesnt, it only increases damage through walls, so its not gonna make a difference unless your shooting though walls.
  22. I dont think ive laughed so hard on t-f for a long time, you seem sooooooooooooooo depressed haha, good informative video though, spesh for the noobs.
  23. haha, well if your no good on xbox live you just get americans saying shit down the mic about tea, crumpets and cricket lmao.
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