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Mat Smith!!

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Mat Smith!! last won the day on January 7 2011

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About Mat Smith!!

  • Birthday 08/04/1991

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  • County (UK Only)
    West Yorkshire
  • Real Name
    Mat Smith
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  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Location
    Hebden Bridge

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Trials Master

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  1. if your gonna stretch your ears people will most likely research it first, like you would with a tattoo to see what the negatives are, there is also about 100 ear stretching/peircing threads on this forum lol. im so sorry for being agressive
  2. lmfao thats hannah and her ex bf, not lesbos hahahaha. im not being agressive at all it just seems abit stupid warning people, i did so much research before i stretched my ears so whatevs, whoever does it must know whats going to happen to there ears.
  3. Your moaning at people to not stretch there ears but mine looks nothing like yours, when i take mine out hardly anyone can see it, it shrinks down to barely anything and ive got 22mm in it everyday, it took me about 4 months to stretch to 22mm which people think is too fast but my ear looks nothing like yours, maybe youve had infections because youve pushed yourself too much, my ear didnt hurt when i stretched mine, maybe your just an idiot?
  4. sorry i havent got 8 kids to prove my virginty haha.
  5. whats a woman? pretty sure every naked girl ive seen in the FLESH BEFORE doesnt have a buldge lmfao
  6. u still talkin rob faily?
  7. Shit, is that the real one? f**k ME!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111111111
  8. I LIIIIIIIIIIIKE I LIIIIIIIIIIKE, watching it now thanks guyz!
  9. Kangol is the new all saints.
  10. This is the logo just so you guys know Thanks alot again guys!!
  11. Hey, looking for a nice Kangol jacket, if anyone knows of any decent websites that sell them would be really nice, thanks alot guys!
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