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Everything posted by benbo111

  1. Now thats a good idea! I feel a Crimbo ride coming on! (In my Santa Suit, naturally! )
  2. Just remembered another one... When your brakes screech people actually stop what they're doing turn around and stare at you really offputting! Oh and then you get the chavs who laugh when you fall and you can't do anything about it because you're on your own Ben
  3. Don't even get me started on chavs! The worst thing is when they ask to have a go on your bike, and you know they're going to trash it, but you end up giving in because theres more of them than you.
  4. The one thing that annoys me most, both in trials riding and street BMX, is the people who go out of thier way to inform you that your doing something wrong or you shouldnt be there. Why can't these people just leave themselves to themselves! Oh and the people that come up to you and say "Do a trick!!!"
  5. Im currently riding an 06 (i think?) Onza T-Pro... Its been sat in my shed for 6 months (heresy i know!) and I've just started to try and fix it up a bit... It's depressing how much is broken! But im sure once its fixed up it'l be great! Ben
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