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About maxpark3r

  • Birthday 09/20/1993

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Previous Fields

  • County (UK Only)
    North Yorkshire
  • Real Name
    Max Parker
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Onza Bird 09 (No add ons yet)

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maxpark3r's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Haha lol, no Im gettin it white, Im buyin Robs frame (Y).

  2. what colour you getting your frame painted yellow?


  3. It has got to be wizard! Max
  4. I will post it in the pics of bikes section.
  5. Not yet but I can take some if you want, but it is just the standard onza bird 09 I haven't added anything to it yet Max
  6. No it's alright I understand. I just find searching sometimes doesn't always get the answer I want
  7. Hi, I am wondering what does a brake booster do: Does it go on front or back? I have an onza pro 09 what type of booster do I need? How much should I spend on one? What are your recommendations? What exactly does it do? Max
  8. Does that include the mounts? Max
  9. How much would all this set you back for the onza bird 09, mounts brakes etc.? I think I am in the same situation aswell
  10. One word WOW! He is amazing considering his size and age and the fact he has more control than me (even though I have just started) but still! Next champion perhaps? Max
  11. Sorry but I was curious what do you mean by ratio, and how is this worked out depending what bike you have? Max
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