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Mikey Tomo

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Everything posted by Mikey Tomo

  1. Use the "Ice" because Pythons were (Correct me if I'm wrong) actually made for street
  2. Highlight Fishfinger-ers full post... Care to explain?
  3. Mikey Tomo

    Mouth Gaurd?

    £50? lol. Just buy a normal rugby gum shield, put it in boiling water, put in mouth and bite, hey presto. £47 saved.
  4. Lmao, I just noticed your group hahah. "Pre Members For Life"
  5. Blimey you were quick. And I also think you missed the other 2-3 posts that stated this.
  6. What makes Holy water so Holy?
  7. Well they are a BMX company so I don't think we'll ever see a freewheel from them.
  8. Mikey Tomo

    New Cls!

    And thats why you're a cock.
  9. Ohhh baby please, go ahead.
  10. Mint riding jack. You've improved loads. Now I don't want to see another vid till christmas Ok? Think you can manage lol?
  11. Mikey Tomo

    New Cls!

    Mine are grammatically correct... lol And lmao jack.
  12. I swear jack you're like a dog pissing on another dogs scent. You just cant stay out of topics that Ben has been in can you?
  13. Mikey Tomo

    New Cls!

    Bloody hell you're tounge's are well and truly stuck up each others arse's arent they?
  14. Food in hospitals are shit. So is aeroplane food.
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