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Mikey Tomo

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Everything posted by Mikey Tomo

  1. Try putting your pedal forwards slightly more when on the back wheel. And it should be okay until then.
  2. http://oneftroad.wordpress.com/2008/09/30/...be-of-pringles/ My favourite: "21. Fill with gravel. Throw at swans on the canal." Mikey x
  3. Look at the post Adam Griffin put in BOTI, of that monster made out of bollards. Make a huge one of them or make an army of little ones!
  4. Still haven't bought one But I'll pass I've been offered one for £20.
  5. Sorry about the HUGE bump but didn't want to make a new topic. I'm thinking of getting rid of it. How much do you think it would be worth?
  6. Love to but camera phones are rubbish.
  7. How could I lube up the seals ? I've also took a pic of the inside so you can see if anything is wrong. Very bad quality but what are those two black things towards the bottom of the gold part?
  8. Its not spongy. Its as if something is stopping the lever pulling in. Then whatever is stopping it suddenly gives. Sometimes it doesn't do it but most of the time it does.
  9. I have a Hope Mini and the lever is playing up. When you pull the lever in it stops and then has a sharp click and pulls right in and locks on. Therfore I can't have the brake on slightly as it clicks and locks on. I need quick help for this please.
  10. Mikey Tomo


    Could someone show me the way out ...
  11. Mikey Tomo


  12. I'll hold you to this "IF" you step one toe over the line
  13. Hope. It was the spokes of the disk not the rim (if thats what it's called)
  14. Nice riding! riding anywhere sunday?
  15. LMAO Al. If you all must know I was showing a mate something by pointing at the pads then . . . Well, use your imagination
  16. Anyone tried bashplate rubber LOL? Whats it like?
  17. You really should get a better quality camera ...
  18. Yeah but without the front brake lmao And Dave do you honestly think I did this intentionally?
  19. Adrenaline kickked in and was so shaky when I took it. Has gone to the bone but hasn't done anything to it. All bandaged up now though.
  20. There is one lol. And it was hardly moving.
  21. Lol, never try to adjust pads with fingers whilst the disk is spinning
  22. Renault 5? I though chinquechento as well lol.
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