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Everything posted by Luke_zoo

  1. Sweet my rides good been chucked about though lol
  2. Yeah.. the drive side cam hasnt snaped its only the toher side that has so it goes tight and slack alot even when ive strightend the wheel and pulled it back... still goes slack on the under of chain stay for chain.
  3. I've snaped one side of my cams so only half my chain is tightening up.. and the rest is slack, what will happen is i shorten the chain so its the same? I'm skint of money at the moment so need bodge job for now... Any ideas? Maybe make a cam? Cheers luke
  4. What ? LOL no i'm not at school I'm 17... so dont think I'd be at school would I ?
  5. Welcome back mate Theres a few new brakes about echo brake ''DENG'' loads more to be honist i'm running F&R old style hs33's there much better then my DENG as my DENG slips, and leaks all the time for the echo brakes and the threads go soo easy on the DENGS if I'm right lads ?
  6. Baggy T-shirt and baggy jogers and airwalk trainers with a baggy coat as well
  7. Oh yeah, she s a beut rides soo nice it's like another gf :L
  8. colure is allright though lol Blue hubs blue cranks what more could you ask for hole blue bike
  9. Gone back to Echo stem when I first got the bike but still have monty bars, rides nicer.
  10. Mint how you came up with that
  11. Gaped from roof box to a curb broke toe and half my foot got ball sacked at same time good days
  12. As long as its mineral oil, it should be ok? And not rot the seeals ect... ?
  13. Cheers. mineral oil? Can i use this in magura's ?
  14. What if I used Hope mono oil..? Like DOT 4? Would it affect my hs33 or do anything to the seels, whats it like? Spongy?
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