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Everything posted by Luke_zoo

  1. You'll never know when you need to use it!
  2. Yeah but cannot sell through here for rules ect... can deal through MSN ?
  3. I cary.. FoodDrinkAllen keysPumpBleed kitWater for bleedPuncher kitTar lolSpanners for bleeding ect..Spare bolts for brake frame ect..Bog role
  4. ive got forks stem bars frunt brack left from when i rode my t-rex dont ride it no more... As i've gone mod
  5. Yeah i had one for my first bike and still have the frame
  6. yo! Can i run this on my hope mono?
  7. Should be fine. make sure it's done right
  8. Whats the difference bewteen normal grips and fomes? when your hands are wet dont they slip ect..? Sorry to go off topic(y) but nice ride
  9. alirght mate, whats it like to ride in sheffield? as i only live in scunthorpe, so its not far to get the train down! will be able to come down one time for a ride.

  10. Looks it for him? No affence to him though! she seem's to love the seat
  11. Have done now guy, lol becuse trials riding gets you out the house supose it gets you away from the cleening ?
  12. Aww bless I need some new cams and she wont lend me a £5er Good mum though I'l get a £5 some how ha ha Hannah, doubt you will know but like how meny girls are riding trials at the moment ?
  13. Dont look that good. At first i thought it was a blow up doll ha ah I sure can But when mums dont know about trials like mine... she always asks why do i need to buy loads of parts and that lol
  14. haha mums dont know what bikes are unless its like 100 years old?
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