I'm sure people would like to meet him and ride with him and he would pick it up easyer But yeah why laugh at someone new? We should all respect new riders and not laugh at them becuse there not like Neil T Damon Watson or even CLS ? We all start riding some where along the lines
I dont understand why you all laugh ? The guys learning to ride trials and he may not be like Damon Watson, but he's getting the start of trials! In my own view I'd say he's picked it up fast to learn like that! I wasnt good when I first started riding trials and so was everybody els! Anyone agree ? Luke
Never too late to start I'd say a 26Inch ? like a onza t-rex ? have you looked on tarty bikes ? TARTY BIKES LINK CLICK ME Hope this helps. Cheers, Luke
I've now desided to spray my zoo python I have blue cranks and hubs black rims black bars and stem, what colure would be good other then silver I'm bored of the colure now What would look good any one photo shop any pichures of a python in differnt colures for ideas ? Luke
Same I'm not sure how they go to gether, I'm pimping out my MBT bike to make it look nice Aparently they stop the brakes locking up on the rim? as some just told me, But I'm not sure if the will ?
Hey All, I've just bought some Shimano Power Modulators for my v-brakes on my MBT bike I'm building up and I would like to know how do these fit and work ? Comments welcome Cheers for the Advice if you know how these work Cheers, Luke power boost?
That is what they said to me The other day, I woun't want them to know where I lived becuse it would be so easy to know that they will brake in and steel it.