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Everything posted by Sethgun

  1. So the original plan was to go for either a new limey3, yaabaa 1499 or ozonys cannibal3, but now im thinking a because 24" trials frame. Im coming from having my inspired which was waaaay too much fun, but wanna go back to a bit more tgs style stuff but still street. As much as a 26" is still appealing, the idea of a trialsy geo 24" seems pretty good too, as ive still got alot of parts to use from my old stock and inspired (trialtrech risers and diety 2.5" risers to experiment with, 90mm hope and 110mm trialtech stems, t/tech forks etc, 2nd set of hope hubs i havent sold...). Just after some general feedback as to how people found they ride and what they ride similar to etc. id imagine the high bb would make it feel like a bit of a mod on the rear weel? any feedback would b great, cheers
  2. can maybe Ads or anyone shed some light on this? Its advertised as a package with forks, headset, stem, bb but i dont need any of that as ive got a team 07 hope hs, trialtech stem, trialtech bb and trialtech forks. Anyone know what the frame is worth just on its own? black, im gonna make this bitch look stealth with bits of green/white. Liking the geo on it, dunno how often id change the bb rise but just looks like a good alternative to a new limey 3...or yabba 1499
  3. haha i just noticed that....15 a piece! Hmmm, how about a yaabaa 1499, now im gonna throw that in. Extra 400g but geo looks good on that, bit shorter n lower too.
  4. thanks buddy, ill check out see if i can find the vid you are talking about
  5. yeh but the bb rise on the because is +70mm, double the insired
  6. thanks for the feedback guys, i am sorta more inclined to go with a limey3 anyhow becuase of nothing but good ive heard. Was looking at a because frame too, anyone ridden the trials 24" ? BB is pretty high on those!
  7. hmmmmm, so the fourplay is going..... and im looking at using alot of my parts form it for either a new limey3 frame, or a new cannibal 3 with the forks. Which way should I go? They are both about the same length n im a shortass (about 5'7") but i still wanna do street, just alot more tgsthan i could do on the fourplay. Dont get me wrong the fourplay was good n fun, but I want something bigger and more stable and easier on the rear. Heard nothing but good about the new limeys but not a heck of alot on the cannibal3. I know in the cannibal u can change the geo via the dropouts but thats not a major point for me..... Any feedback would b great, cheers
  8. how then, could i run a echo sl free on the rear (with say a trieltech fixed rear) but use my middleburns? i know tnn do a 18t with integrated bashring to use with the middleburn cranks, but the freewheel on the rear isnt available in a 15. What ratio would work closest to a 18-15 if i was to use an echo sl freewheel on the rear....stay with the 23 up front?
  9. yeh but would a freewheel setup be bewtter than a freehub rear considering im going to a 26 now and engage quicker? One thing i hated about the fourplay setup i had was the bit of lag from pushing the pedal to actually engaging....or would that just be tension in the chain? I was using a collapse and rolhoff tensioner....
  10. thats the thing, ive got pro 2s on my fourplay now that i wanna use, only they are both 36h and everything now for 26" rims is 32h (well the trialtech rims i want anyway). So u guys reckon a pro2trials freehub setup is better than a frewheel setup? was thinking 18-15 for the limey.......
  11. So ive decided to get rid of my fourplay (well, frames, wheels, stem and risers) and use the rest of the parts i got on a new 26" limey 3! im gonna go with sone trialtech front and rear fixed hubs but want to use my exisiting middleburn isis pro trials cranks. I can remove the bashplate and chainring, but can i use a freewheel and another bashplate/ring with these cranks? Got a trialtech bb (cant rememver if its m12 or 15) and looking at the echo 108 freewheels, but def wanna run a bashring or plate. Will it work? As ive only used a free rear hub, the world of freewheels are new to me....just screws on the bb and then the bashring screws on top of that, then cranks on? my main concern is using my cranks with this setup as i REALLY wanna use my middleburns.... cheers in advance guys
  12. i got an unused hope 110mm x 10deg rise stem for sale if anyone interested, pm me. Its a team stem, so nice lime green baby decided to stick with my 90mm hope stem after some playin aroung n stuck with deiety 2.5" risers. uber good. Also a system ex stem going thats 37deg rise and i think 100 mm or 110mm. Think i got som ti bolts arund too so ill chuck them in. Rode with no seat today, had a real sketchy landing and impaled my ballsacks on the seat tube. Not pleasant. If u have a seat, t=slam that f**ker down n KEEP it on That is all for now and u can have either the black top cap or green. Whatever tickles ur gooch
  13. Rholoff is kickass as a tensioner, im running one on my fourplay. Only hting is, im running a collapse chain on mine which is a fat ol b*****d, so u gotta remove the 2 cogs on the rohloff and add a thin washer on either side to allow for thr extra chain width. Other than that, they loop perfectly from one cog across to the other with minimal noise or tension.
  14. i just wet myself. Rockman sex. I love it
  15. ok so out of 2 stems i got to try, both hope (1 is 110mm and the other is 90mm) i got a new diety twenty14 riser (2"rise) Hell, these bars are nice. Also running about 1" spacing and bars are pretty much tilted to highest point, brakes almost straight down. Soooooooo comfy, i can get on my front with less stress AND althouhg being slightly narrower than my trialtech risers, it feels awesome on the rear. Just standing up it does feal heeeeaps more diff and slightly narrower, but feels like ALOT of fun off the mark 9 degree and 5 degree sweeps make it uber comfortable. I swear i wouldnt own anything under 2" rise again The 90mm will be too short I reckon and ill end up tipping the bars forward and losing height.....This is perfect now woohoo. Might be selling a hope cnc 90mm 10deg if anyone interested? and/or trialtech 110 17deg rise.
  16. oh nah for the sake of 4 spokes i wouldnt bother if i had to pay money on top Getting the hubs cheap so its all good, bc I mainly wanna change my rims (oh yeh thats another thing u can get from me lol)
  17. yeh no sweat mate, send me an sms when ur free ill prob give you a diff landline to call. Hey you can get my trialtech riser bar if u want, and possibly my stem. Got an azonic 09 b52 2" to use with new hope stem (90 or 110mm gonna try em both out tomorrow) and i will also prob b gettin rid of my rear pro2trials hub and front pro2 to get the same but 32h
  18. Sethgun

    Yaabaa 1499

    i really like the look of those white tyres, although just cleaning them would turn me off. Real nice build
  19. Rear brake is a hs33 with tnn pads. Rear break is nuts with the tnn pads, best brake ive used and there isnt even a grind on my rims! Ive also put a white mcneil seat on since (might go back to my black one) and changed the headset and front brake to same but hope green ones....cost me no diff in the end
  20. Shipping aint actually too bad to UK. I mean, its not too expensive from the UK to me. (i got a brake, disc and headset sent recently that cost about 8quid. It seriously aint too bad and now that the dollars improved, even better.
  21. yeh i changed mysetup to a system ex 100mm X37deg rise with my trialtech risers. im about 168cm so short. Found bunnyhops to be waaaay cool, but it felt real cramped once i was hopping on the rear. Changed the bars position, brake position...still didnt feel too right. Now the trialtech 11oX17deg seems nice with an inch of spacers and my trialtech bar, it feels nice and comfie on the rear but ur going to be pushing harder to get your weight over the front wheel. Until u get to that point, the momentum is easy to flich forward, just need a little more umph. Thats why im now going to experiment with my trialtech, 1x 90mmX10deg hope, 1x 110X10deg hope and azonic b52 bars with 2" rise and about 1.5" of headset spacers lol. Gonna pick n choose combos this next 2 weeks n see what works best. If anyone needs a system ex and possibly a trialtech riser soon and trialtech stem, let me know (like next 2 weeks)
  22. Im running 22-16 again (went to 17 rear but just feels so spot on with a 16) Ive also gone back to my trialtech stem after playing around with the system ex stem (just felt too short) but probably going to a 110 hope stem and getting azonic b52bars 2" rise. Also inspired pedals and tnn pads. Also yep, its a rohloff tensioner on there
  23. epic riding ben, bloody strength! So good I had to put it on my facebook profile as you can now see lol keep it up man
  24. i just dled that dizzee rascal album and its fanbloodytastic!
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