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Bersha91 last won the day on November 28 2020

Bersha91 had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Bersha91

  • Birthday 09/14/1991

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  • County (UK Only)
    Non UK
  • Real Name
    Bershadskyy Volodymyr
  • Bike Ridden
  • Country
    Italy, Italian Republic

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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Yep that was several years ago, the period when I broke different forks, almost all of them in the same way now it's a while since I have a Tnn one with steel steering tube, it should last longer, I hope. Anyway now Im living in a small mountain village called Falcade, still in north-east Italy. And paradoxically almost all trial spots are natural (river, rocks and the woods)
  2. Just several clips left out of my other video of this year, posted here ⬇️
  3. Couriers and shipments always work in this period, if you mean this? However, as far as components and stuff, I have broken practically nothing this year. It came out very reliable bike
  4. Thank you my friend! Yes, if I have to tell the truth, as much as I have always been scrupulous about frames with high BB, I am very comfortable with this one
  5. Hi! It's my summary of this unusual year. #gapsfordays Feel free to share, like and subscribe on my channel My instagram @brs6n Song by "Justice - Genesis"
  6. Aurelien Fontenoy is also one of those who do monstrous taps! Almost sure I saw him do 150+ cm (around 59inches) in some vid
  7. Bersha91


    Password is "forwards"
  8. Bersha91

    Bersha - Nancy

  9. Thank you Ross! The frame is Phatworks one
  10. Because of various injuries this is the first and last my video of 2016, I hope you still enjoy it. Happy New Year! #tgsisnotdead
  11. I didnt expect to see this here.. Thank you! I already had a bad year by broken stuff and several injuries, So I couldnt ride and film what I wanted I have some raw footage to release.. idk whether to make another small clip, or wait until next year to complete the full video. No, I dont ride for anyone
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