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Nick Dale

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Everything posted by Nick Dale

  1. Might just come to that, Chai needs a beating :0 Bike looks good also bitch.
  2. Bit of a long shot anyone got his vid? was looking about and yes sombody must..?
  3. Must agree with Ben on this, I don't think i recall seeing more then 2 fully filmed lines in there...Maybe not any lines at all
  4. Matt...what happend to the PR? annnd How much that cost
  5. KEy Logger? Sure sombody dont have acces to your pc at all and so on? I had a key logger once and i know its to do with people being able to get your passwords n stuff but maybe it can do this too?
  6. OH MY. If that had a rear disc i could cream on it.
  7. Do you actually own your own bike? Good photo's all the same.
  8. Plenty chavey f**ka's across the road from me at the shops... May just go get some of my mates and rince the f**ks or just call the police say they are creating havok and causing people to be intimidated. Watch there eggs get put down the drain ..
  9. Wickedly good video mate. WAY too short though. Get a longer one out please. More of Mr Rowan would be nice aswell Well done for the bail aswell! Looks harsh love your shout though. "AHH" Well done Lad
  10. Shit day = Shit mood. Bothers anyone that at this present time i dont have a sense of humour then bugga off. Don't have to read what i say just no point keeping a topic open when it's gonna get filled up with crap like they do in New Members. In all fairness this should just be closed now before it gets into a sily little girly bitchathon like every topic does nowa days.
  11. Not being funny but why take the piss so much..He heard somthing off sombody that was false fair enough. All that was needed to be said really was No then te thread closed instead of shit replys going into how "stupid" the topic is which is what im sure you are all emplying? Anyway as you can tell Steve no its not true. Most simple answer to be given really. Rant over.
  12. I have it Also Joop. Lynx Africa CK 1 And some other one i cant quite remember right now
  13. 19. Bit shit when you start to get older really.
  14. Neck kissing...that normal gets any girl like "ooohhh stop it or ima rape u" Run your fingers over her body gently and slowly is good too... If there in some skimpy garments run you hand up her legs slowly ;] Make her want you more tease her....Go to kiss her but stop just befor u touch lips...if she tries going the rest move back and give her that "yeh u want it" look
  15. Looks nice bitch. There is this thing on the internet a quide into cars i can't remember the name at the moment but if i do i shall wack a link in here for you I'm sure some car freek on here will know anyway? EDIT: I found it haha... www.parkers.co.uk hope that helps
  16. Lmao naa... I found it now Coasters - Yakety yak Im so dumb
  17. Ok ALL i know from the song is it goes... "Yackady Yack Dont Go Back" Or somthing like that lol...Think it has "pick up your papers and your trash" on the end of it! Not entierly sure. All i know is i want it right now but can't think what it is Hellllp! Cheeeeers. Nick.
  18. Yes but for £10 extra on your tv bill whos complaining?
  19. Spot on! Or if you have Sky try there new 16mb line
  20. Well i managed to find some on ebay for about a tenner so all is good But now i have this problem too... Thinking about getting my lip done aswell...under the bottom lip to the left..Anybody had this done? Whats the pain factor on the bad boy? and also what do they look like on a person in reality..i mean i seen a few people but not actually spoke about it...im thinking about either a ring or just a stud not reall sure...Opinions? Taaa
  21. So how much do the plugs cost then? I mean i haven't really had time to look about to be honest...but i think i shall go to town tomorrow and ask about at the local places and the tattoo parlors about it. See what they have to say on the whole thing. The scalping thing seems a little extream to me to be honest? A Little costly too just to get to the size quicker anyway...More painful too.. Gr. Choices are so annoying...
  22. LOL, Woulda thought u be one the 1st with a pic Joe...Not a tart no more i see..?
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