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Everything posted by nemo_awp

  1. http://vimeo.com/2627512 direct link to the video
  2. "Продължи" = "Continue" then "Dowload file"="Свали файл"
  3. Merry Christmas to all members! I and my friends decided to make a video for Christamas.The ride is not very good but it was very fun.Enjoy http://4storing.com/ab9kt/3a6b02bc65438a1d...87e6705625.html
  4. Gu bikes looks very good,but not very strong.
  5. Do you want to see GU St on 2 peaces?St is not a good idea.
  6. Mmm i think if you find any good frame from 2006 take it.I think thah the frames for 06 are the strongest. :)For example zoo! pitbul,Echo Control and Adamant A1
  7. Here is complete http://www.picvalley.net/v.php?p=u/1481/315630590.JPG
  8. This ECHO look soo nice maan.My previous frame was the same,but silver colour.The grey is pretty too.
  9. My new frame :) http://www.picvalley.net/v.php?p=u/763/1941589021.JPG
  10. Now he is a bit green,but when he is older maybe he will be good rider.just keep ridin
  11. I want B.T. 8.0 Raven(black) and Demo 8 for Sopot ] :)
  12. tnamada_vid01.My friend's first video. Enjoy.
  13. Time Warp Trials Biking with bike trials.For more info look at the clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNSwW_QG3ko
  14. 11/10 man it is very good,i'd like it.
  15. yyesss weeeee.nice one matee.it's very good.i like it
  16. why dont you get one 20'' Onza Pro or Yaabaa 649 ,or if you want that onza http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...;category_id=10 that is only my opinion
  17. Hi,my name is Nikolai and i'm from Bulgaria 8),i've been riding for 2 years.now i ride eko pure 08.i'm 16
  18. I WILL CHANGE THE FORK!!!It is temporary.
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