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Everything posted by sharn

  1. When i worked at Leisure Lakes i had a good look at them (N) they seemd prettyood, and felt like theyd be good for trials use. In the hand the engagements felt so much more definate and stronger than a hope in hand. They also seemd to be pretty beefy.. suggesting wieght may be an issue? sharn
  2. sharn

    New Vid

    Nice vid . Some pretty old clips, but all very good. I do look rather fantastic flying up them rocks :)" Lol... very good riding from you indeed, them thin post gaps were pretty sick :- Love you sharn
  3. Also, id like to take this oppotunity to point out how bad nezzas bike is... He has close to little fluid in his front brake. For some of those moves his back brake wasnt tight as he couldnt tighten the bolts enough. His king HD axle was held together by a bit of spoke and a nipple. He has little raliegh bearings in his king headset. And not to mention.. he built his own wheels ( enough said :) ) So all that makes these moves twice as impressive!! Hahahahaha gota love the NEZZA , bodge artist :) I think someone should spend a day setting up his bike :) Sharn
  4. ( The gap at 3.45 is a different clip than earlier in the vid :- (look at the cars) The last clip was just to show you that he does also bail from time to time) The earlier clip he did pretty much make it. I filmed it!! Its two clips put together. He did the gap n made it, but his brake slipped n he took one! LOL But cause it was a massive gap, n he wanted it in the vid, so we suggested he did that, hehe.. didnt really work :- He made the gap a few times though.. but he kept either slippin back, or goin over the front. :) But not to take anythin away from nez.. Amazing riding. And it was our idea to 'fake' a good landing :"> Sharn EDIT: nez... sort your brakes out boy! And please please at least get some fluid in your front one if your gona be goin to front wheel like that . YOU BUM!
  5. Nezaa, You the maaaaan. Haha iv bin waitin for this vid for ages you lazy ass :) Unbelievable talent my friend. Every move was something amazing. Id say one of the most talented street riders around :- Love you
  6. sharn

    Lickle Viddy-yoooo

    Thanks. Yea. iv orderd my new Leeson 609 Long version :( :( (Y) Yay
  7. Hey. Heres a lil vid of me on the pure (which is now sold) I thought id atleast have some footage on it. Its mostly from one ride... Nothing amazing. --> CLICK<-- Comments welcome (Y) Sharn P.s ( I dont kno why a few bits are abit jumpy (Y) )
  8. sharn

    Fancy Dress

    I went to a fancy dress as a carrier bag once. :D I got 4 or 5 asda carrier bags, opend them up so they were flat n stapled them together to make the main bit of the bag. Then made the handles ( which over my shoulders like dress straps) Out of more bags scrunched up and taped. :D I also made a big reciept out of paper, n had it sticking out the side of the bag :D" Sharn
  9. sharn


    Lol yea.. it is rather repetitive i know. I actually drew it freehand and it wasnt perfect :"> But theres a long story as to why i didnt draw the final one properly. Basically i was booked in for my tattoo but i was riding. n it was booked for 4 oclok n i found out about it at 5 past 4 :) So yea... tattooss... oo fun.
  10. sharn


    :"> Well the origenal idea was the 'life of a plant' :"> That id drawn up in symbolised stages. Lol.. there was a bottom half to this drawing but for some reason it didnt look right together on my arm. So i got that bit. So i guess i will always kno what it was to begin with :S I dunno. Ill be totally honest... It was my first tattoo so i just wanted a simple design to see how it felt and if i liked it etc. The best part is drawiing it all up n changing it n stuff. My next design is much bigger and detaild.. Its goin to be a artists hand with a paintbrush painting a picture. Coming from the side of my ribs down and across my stomach ( originally inspired by a piece by alex grey ) Because art is a big part of my life. Sharn
  11. sharn


    I got my first about a month ago. I wouldnt worry about it hurting becos i found it was actually quite fun :P Hmm its kinda like a scratchy feel. Anyway.. its probly not what youre expecting it to be like. I spent quite a while drawing mine up etc untill i was happy with it. Its nothin massive or particularly complex... Tattoo Iv started my next design but dont intend on having it for a while. I will tak my time and draw it up n chnage it etc etc. Untill im happy with it being on me :S And im bored of piercings now :P Although i love my new All black 15mm plugs. I think ill stop stretching them now. :) I dont want them to go too big Anyway.. yea.. have fun Sharn
  12. Are they all like that? Exactly the same as Ashtons? Or only yours? Thanks
  13. Could you please measure the wheelbase of it :D Wud ba a massive haelp. Thanks :D P.s.. i really like the color
  14. Grrrr i was plannig on havin Mounts on the reverse of my pashley forks when i went bak to 24" Thort i wudve been only one (Y) Ahh well.. looks good :D Sharn
  15. sharn


    *QUOTE* P.S. In relation to what Chris said, many people will argue that if a black person uses nigger on another black person it is ok. I would like to shed light on this: when a non-jew calls me a Jew I feel hurt and upset, I may not show it but I do, but when a Jew says it it feels different and ok. Don't ask me why but that's how it is and I'd assume it's the same with black people. *QUOTE* When black people use the term 'nigger' they are claiming the word back from the white men who use it as an insult. They use it and show they are proud to be black so it has no power for the white man anymore. Your friend shouldnt feel ashamed or upset. S/He should be proud to be black! S/he should of turned around and said 'Yea. im black. And im glad i am'
  16. Like i said.. iv been told that stack of 10 isnt equivelant to the usual stack of 10 blueys over here. Still.. Its 9+ which is still the biggest ive ever seen done :lol:
  17. Joe and Johal ( who were there, obviously as he filmed it) Said the pallets seemd slightly smaller.. becos they said 6 pallets was just under bar hieght or something!? And over here its just over. I dunno.. Ask johal.. cant remember wat he said now, was ages ago.. Sharn
  18. Yea saw it ages ago.. Johasl filmed it didnt he!? :lol: That guy is a monster!!
  19. sharn

    Sister Time!

    Naa not really. I think the nicest pics of her are in clothes anyway :D ? think the nicest ones are in clothes anyway. Some of them are crap.. but i guess its down to what shes been asked to wear and who the photographer is :) And yes.. Alot of people say we look similar :D LOL :D Also- What do you guys think to the website? My sisters boyfriend made it. Any areas of the site u found didnt work particularly well? Sharn
  20. sharn

    Sister Time!

    Naa not really. I think the nicest pics of her are in clothes anyway :D ? think the nicest ones are in clothes anyway. Some of them are crap.. but i guess its down to what shes been asked to wear and who the photographer is :) And yes.. Alot of people say we look similar :D LOL :D Also- What do you guys think to the website? My sisters boyfriend made it. Any areas of the site u found didnt work particularly well? Sharn
  21. sharn

    Sister Time!

    No worries :D Sorry i cud just see it turnin into a ' give us her numba' or wateva :lol: Sharn
  22. sharn

    Sister Time!

    Alrite guys dnt be dick heads about it :P This is my sister so please dnt start sayin rude shit :D Thnkyou :P And shes not posh in the slightest bit. We were brought up in a normal councill house with normal amounts of money and by a normal parent.She went to uni n passed with flyin colors n is doin very well for herself and im very proud of her. So please just keep it non offensive Sharn
  23. sharn

    Sister Time!

    No i dunno who that is :lol: Another model i guess :D
  24. sharn

    Sister Time!

    ---> Link to my sisters website <--- :D Sharn
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