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Everything posted by sharn

  1. Im planning on building up a streety 24, coming back at it from bmxing im looking for something inbetween. Thinking of runnin an odyssey million dollar sprocket on a 3pc. Its 25t so what would i need on the rear for somehting a little stiffer than usual? Maybe the equivelant to 22-16 or something? Cheers
  2. No way this bike looks absolutly perfect! If i had a hat on id take it off because you sir know how to build a bike!! How much are these marino frames? And how are they holding up for people? I used to ride 24 for ages, had a ET24 and then a 609 and like a complete fool i sold it to start bmx. Which is great fun but im really craving another 24" street trials bike as i too am living in bristol now and it looks amazing to ride! Ive seen a lot of guys riding castle park walls, you there much? If it would be okay id love to have a go on this bike as im interested in building up something similar? I literally live near that flatbank hip by bristol bridge! Hopefully be seeing this little sweetheart around town and look forward to gettin back on the old back wheel Sharn
  3. sharn

    Mutiny :d

    [attachmentid=6174]My mutiny, altho i have a new profile stem now, and my gay shitty wheel locked up tonight! Piece of shit... Still black
  4. Joe u batty, why dont u just tell these people why ur bike is extra long. Ive rode it, it does ride good! Its got some crazy extra bit of tubing half way down the top n down tubes, dunno if id trust it myself though, seems abit odd to me!! But it did ride nice for a mod, but as always , mods feels too small to me.. still. Sharn
  5. Lovin it crofty. I still remember when you was practicin pedal hops on the path in ur garden! And dont you forget that!! Youve come a long way my son. Stuntin it up now days. Ill come out with you guys sometime, down L.E or somthin! Laters, Sharn
  6. WEEEEEEEEEE.............DOH!
  7. sharn

    The Croft Bros

    Tony man, you are the sickest!! And crofty, when the f**k did you get so good? :D Sharn, love you boys
  8. Sweet man, thts what its all about :D Top banana Sharn
  9. sharn

    D*ck Ed Gap!

    10fts not that big really B) Tunni can static gap like over 9ft. I bunnyhopd nearly 14ft back in the day >_< (although it was like 1ft high) In that pic it looks stupidly huge, like, un-doably huge. Hats off though (Y) wall looks a decent hieght and quite thin ;)
  10. Go for something 90mm in length, with at least 10-15 rise :angry: It will help, but its not gona make you a bunnyhop master straight away. Maybe whack a stacker under there too to bring the bar hieght up a little. Laters
  11. sharn

    Picture 256.jpg

    From the album: Sharn

  12. sharn

    Picture 257.jpg

    From the album: Sharn

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    Picture 240.jpg

    From the album: Sharn

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    Picture 238.jpg

    From the album: Sharn

  15. sharn

    Picture 233.jpg

    From the album: Sharn

  16. sharn

    Picture 232.jpg

    From the album: Sharn

  17. sharn

    Picture 232.jpg

    From the album: Sharn

  18. sharn

    Picture 247.jpg

    From the album: Sharn

  19. sharn

    Picture 244.jpg

    From the album: Sharn

  20. sharn

    Picture 244.jpg

    From the album: Sharn

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    Picture 243.jpg

    From the album: Sharn

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    Picture 242.jpg

    From the album: Sharn

  23. sharn


    From the album: Sharn

  24. sharn

    Good Films

    City of god is quality. Also, Man on fire is pretty sick
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