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sharn last won the day on June 22 2024

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    pashley frame/fork, magura with CNC booster, avid sd7 brake/lever, race face bars, hope monos on mavics, middleburns, vps, selle italia seat, singlespeed KMC kool chain

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  1. What a treat! Just dropped little'n at nursery and sat down to see what's going on in the world.. and turns out you, at just that same minute, were clicking 'post' on this Dope edit!.. I Don't often visit the forum these days.. and when I do; there's not all that much happening. But Boy.. that was nice. Thank you very much and happy birthday, absolutely amazing riding. Big lines,casually. Bags of style and everything so fluid. The Old Codger Down the shed theme made me chuckle.. Fast approaching 40 myself and ive been getting the bug for a 24 again so that's just given me some inspiration Nice one Ben!
  2. That ^ was so scary I’m not sure I actually enjoyed watching that?! 😳
  3. Thanks everyone for your replies, at least now I’ve got some ideas what to keep searching for. Seems to be very little out there?! Are folks generally holding onto bikes of this era? The brand new 09 echo from trial prod seems a great deal but doesn’t seem they’ll ship to uk? Have to say the atomz really stand out and appeal to me but I’ve only seen the premier for sale so far. They just look so classy. Max the in those vids is lovely.. Look so comfortable and natural on that atomz! And the taps on that adamant!! Woah! i rode a quark 2 once actually and was very pleasantly surprised! still , I’m going to try a slightly lower bb first I think. Cheers guys, happy riding.
  4. Hey Peter, Not sure if you got my text? Up for meeting up one weekend? Cheers for the pics, would be cool to try that bike.
  5. Any opinions on what would be the best combination of strength and weight of this type and era of bike? Also, anyone ever seen this t-rex before?! Seems to have the downtube of the ones limey?! .. https://m.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2150421698480048/
  6. Nice one guys, this gives me some ideas of what to look for. With zoos and echos seem like I need to know specific years as sometimes people describe it just by the model name in listing. The dab.. I saw that 09 echo and saw it was in stock but wasn’t sure if they’d ship to uk and how much it cost.. so out of curiosity I went to proceed with a pretend purchase and unless I was mistaken there was no option for uk?! Every other country in the world but u.k?! I looked for England and Great Britain but couldn’t seem to find either? Anyone able to tell me otherwise? That does seem like quite a good deal on a new frame! dyskov, nice one I’ll check it out. 👍🏼 La bourde, those akt2 s do look nice! I think all atomz look really good and the fact it was in Co with sunn is kinda cool to me. cheers guys, all input appreciated!
  7. La bourde, thanks .. I’ll look into the xtp! The mbk have already caught my eye and there’s one for sale not too far from me I may go have a closer look at! The evo2 is a nice looking bike! anyone know the geo of the atomz akt2 ?
  8. Peter, that was some great riding! You still at it? Thanks for sharing that, the bike does look nice and as you say it doesn’t look particularly high bb. I know what you mean about falling off the back, it’s as if the whole wheel is underneath you and not enough of the wheel behind you. I suppose that’s why they call them pogo sticks?! I guess it’s the combination of high bbs and super short stays. Can’t seem to find info on the metas geometry? i kind of missed out on riding this generation of bikes as I was riding 24s and then ended up full time bmx for quite a few years. but I’m determined to do some ‘pure’ trials, arguably for the first time!
  9. Found the meta, vvt2? Bb seems quite high, looks almost like a gu typhoon? which I’ve had recently and couldn’t really get on with the high b.b, not sure on c/s length on the gu but i just felt I couldn’t get the timing right to get power behind things. Though I did a decent side hop on it, by my standards anyway.
  10. Cheers flip! Some of those if never even heard of.. some, like koxx and zoos, echos came in so many models with changing geometry each year I don’t know where to start looking. Is there any kind of legendary archive that I can refer too anywhere? i vaguely remember the meta! Did it havd A kind of primary blue colour with a huge graphic? Issue being if most are in America I’d end up paying in shipping half of what I’m hoping to pay for a frame?! But it’d be nice to see some footage of one being ridden? Im feeling like the mbk evo2 looks like it has a huge reach with a steep h/a? Anybody know the bb rise and c/s length? i suppose this will eventually turn into a ‘wanted’ thread, but for know I’m trying to find out what to want! cheers for all help chaps, ‘preciated
  11. Also, out of interest which would be the rare birds of this category? You never know one could always get lucky as they say!
  12. Cheers flip! Haha really? Who’d of thought it! The t-Rex was a kind of coustellier replica I remember at the time? My friend had one and actually did make huge improvements on that bike at the time. After having the other trex .. which was awful! If I remember they were also quite heavy?! So my next question would then be.. which of the mentioned frames were reasonably light? I know frames from this era were generally ‘overbuilt’ but which ones were more abit weight conscious?
  13. Hey guys, looking for some help here. I’m looking to know what frames ever had geometry close to this: 1090/1100, 380-385, +20/25 , 72 h/a im interested to try something along these lines. I’ve tried some of the latest bikes with super short back ends and high bbs and it’s hilarious how I literally can’t ride them. I’m also 6ft 5 which also makes reach an issue. I feel something like I’ve described might suit me.. any ideas?
  14. Nice, great skills boyo keep it up!
  15. Yep, or someone needs to come out with an external bearing isis b.b. Those bearings are just too small! UN52 for the win
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