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Everything posted by J.KYDD

  1. Indeed. I'm not normally one to wish harm on others, but if Rupert Murdoch (and his son) would kindly drop off the earth the world would be a genuinely better place. f**king parasites
  2. In other shit news http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/11/04/rupert-murdoch-national-geographic-staff-cuts-backlash-twitter_n_8470776.html
  3. Unless he's hospitalised and while there is MEDICALLY deemed as being a danger to himself or others there isn't anything which can be done without him coming forward for help. In a weird way, the best thing would be for him to end up in hospital and for the psychiatric team to asses him. If they decide he has diminished capacity for safe decision making they have the power to section him where he'll receive the help it sounds like he needs. I've recently been going through this glorious process with my Dad - f**king sucks.
  4. There really is nothing worse that someone riding a 'streety' 24" while wearing full comp get up.
  5. We do this where I work. (Mid-sized mail order cycle shop) If we receive a high value order from a first-time overseas buyer then we just ask them for some confirmation of ID showing their name and address. We've been stung with some pretty hefty chargebacks in the past where it's turned out to be fraud when the actual card owner realises they've had their details nicked and been refunded by their credit card company.
  6. J.KYDD


    Saw Spectre on Saturday night. Was really good, but Skyfall was better
  7. £20-£30 per wheel depending on their overall condition. Hub bearings ok? Rims true? Number of grinds the rims have seen?
  8. Y'know 1st Class isn't a guaranteed time-frame service right? It can take up to 15 working days in some cases.
  9. Lovely bit of no nonsense TGS. Ace
  10. J.KYDD

    JamesB at age 14?

    Reminds me of early James Porter videos
  11. J.KYDD

    the roaches

    Poor form, poor form
  12. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=toad+rock+tunbridge+wells&biw=1920&bih=955&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIuong4p77xwIVglUUCh0JUwDe https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=wellington+rocks+tunbridge+wells&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=955&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAmoVChMIgtb5_537xwIVAbQUCh0qxQ9e
  13. Have insurance prices gone up generally recently? I've recently sold the van I've owned for the last 4 years and bought a very boring/sensible 2005 Skoda Octavia 1.9tdi Estate (105bhp). When I called my insurace company to swap the vehicles they said they'd be able to give me an idea of what my renewal will be (November). Despite the fact I'm now 25, and have 5years protected no claims the price is actually more. The Mrs got her renewal quote through the door the other day too, and hers has only dropped by £1! Despite also now being 25 and having another year no-claims. Obviously both of us are going to now shop around, but in previous years with the same company I've always experienced nice steady drops in the price?
  14. Gore, not really. 2 guys murdering a innocent man by smashing his face in with a hammer - yes
  15. I've never seen it, but just knowing there is a video out there named '3 guys 1 hammer' makes me feel a little bit ill
  16. Probably the first sensible thing you've said on here in the last couple of years
  17. Car people. Your help is needed I'm very shortly going to have around £1500 (+/- £100) to spend on a diesel estate Thoughts on this? http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201508115975096
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