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Everything posted by J.KYDD

  1. J.KYDD

    Rich Pearson Phase 2

    another sick video. that rail at the end was sweeeeet
  2. Its highly likely that during the forks being out of the bike youve lost some pieces of the headset. crown race? top race? wedge? etc If you have, tip for the future -- when taking forks out of a frame for transportation, use a zip-tie through the headtube to keep all the headset bits together and in the right order too cheers josh
  3. Hey, im Josh and im 19 In the past iv ridden almost everything in the past, used to race downhill, bit of Lycra clad XC! ridden dirt for around a year now Been riding trials for around 10months after Ben Moore started working with me and through him met Rich Pearson. iv been pretty Hooked on hopping about ever since! i live and ride around taunton and the local area, but try as often as possible to make trips to the south coast and bristol. well thats me cheers josh
  4. hope mono trials tend to be good for around 3-4 months before becoming a complete nightmare, if you want disc, go cable, go BB7. simple to fix, cheep, super powerful when run with a 203mm rotor. as for your rear brake, i run a 'new shape' maggie and its alrite, but there faaar from great. everytime they need a propper adjust you have to fork out another £4 for new plastic washers, they slip and the hold isnt amazing. As soon as mine breaks (which inevitably it will) im converting to V. Not so much bite but the hold is awesome and as you complained about a bit of brake slip id advice investing in a good V. shimanos shake temselves to pieces in 10minutes so get an avid, anything sd5 or above is good, of if your feeling super flush get an ultimate! hope this helps josh
  5. i can ride street aaaall day and feel fine at the end. take me to natural/compy riding (westbay,portland) and within literally 1min of being on the bike my arm-pump is insane and iv gotta sit out for a couple mins to let it settle. it all depends on how you ride and what you ride
  6. yo check out rich pearsons new vid on his phase. awesome is one of many similar words i could use to describe it
  7. my bird likes that iv got a propper hobby/sport. plus it keeps me in shape! but she does think the costs are pretty steep. haha, my ex wanted me to stop spending so much money on my bikes so i promised id tone down the spending a little.....then she spent £190 f*#king quid on sum chanel sunnies so i went and blew £290 on new rockshox argyle forks on the jump bike. hypocritical bitch!
  8. 270 off high stuff! yeh its 'showy' and a bit gash but its fun! fufanus are fun too but atm gaps are the most fun, if only my bike wasnt such a tank........
  9. yeh the limeys are pretty sweet, quite long for the low bb height (but im only 5" 7) but a solid frame that makes for a good bike. iv had quick spins on andrei burton's and joe seddons and they feel nice, mind you joe had savaged his with a drill and dremmel but if its good enough for drei.... fair shout!
  10. hey rich man its josh, finally got myself sorted out and on here!

    so pissed i missed the bristol ride, craig said it was awesome :(

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