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Everything posted by J.KYDD

  1. SickSlickQuickTrick(Demo)Dick +1 for Fatty.
  2. Fecking hell kennard sit down! gove it another couple of weeks and you'll be picking up on trivial crap no one cares about on daytime BBC tv and writing into 'Points of view' jeeez
  3. looks nice man. you still need a booster? iv still got my Echo 2-bolt from when i had my justice pm me if your interested cheers josh
  4. J.KYDD

    Phase Video 3

    YEAH RICH! nice to see vid 3 out finally and some lovely footage of good ol' taunton (sunny?!)
  5. haha, iv been laughing my little arse off reading these replies! dw, theres no chance im gona go ahead with it, iv told the girl iv got a GF (although she said she didnt care!) iv been with my missus for 9months and love her to f**king pieces. Christ, i hated my ex-missus and still managed to resist the urge to ply away from her with an old school crush. cheers josh
  6. Some may say this should be in the girl trouble thread, but its not really trouble. Is it in any situation acceptable to play away from the mrs? i only ask because an exeedingly beautiful bird from college thinks im hot and wants me at the next college party. i have a girl, who goes to a separate college and none of her friends are at mine. so the 'her finding out' isnt an issue. Im really not going with the intensions of getting with the girl, but once your drunk/WASTED and you know someone hot likes you, what can you do? your thouhts please....
  7. as a general statement, anything deng makes with moving parts and seels tends to be shiyte! their cassete hubs are f**king aweful and you'd need to be contemplating suicide to buy one, the strength of engagement isnt that great so they often skip. stay away from the ECHO SL forks aswell as theyre shite too. apart from that most of his stuff is super reliable and strong. Good afordable trials gear for the masses - just keep away from his moving parts
  8. Saw him at Koxx days, awesome rider and such a nice bike!
  9. was an awesome weekend! probs my best ride to date hate to be a pest, but you dont happen to have any pics of me in your collection? white and red tee, but mostly topless! on the adamant stock, you know, the rider who diddnt get a puncture all day !! cheers man
  10. haha, it was EPIC! chain snap to worst ball busting top-tube smash iv ever witnessed! driving back with craig complaining i was going over the speed humps too fast!! ahaah
  11. Danny mac rides both 24" and 26" It depends on what YOU feel more comfortable on, have you got some friends who ride trials who have different size bikes. If so have a go on them, find what you feel more natural on. I went striaght to a 26" and love it. However, in the past iv raced downhill, and ridden dirt, both at good levels, so nauturally feel more comfortable on a 26" Also take your size into account, to a degree shorter people feel more comfortable on mods as their easier to controll and shift your weight over. Larger or taller riders are likely to prefer stocks for the same reasons. However this doesnt apply to everyone. hope this helps josh
  12. Not my bike, found this bike on pinkbike aages ago and was just brousing some of my old favorites. any thoughts?
  13. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=41481 dude, seriousley, read before posting. im sure it'l all be in here if you take the time to read that was the whole point in the thread
  14. as said above, i am now on my third pro II but still love it. first one was an 06 and like many others cracked its shell - despite it being second hand hope replaced it with a brand new one straight away after 4 months of riding the second one i stripped the threads on the drive ring, again sent it back and in no time had a replacement. a friend of mine ben moore has been running his 06 for over 2years now and its never missed a beat. the cool thing to know is that even if you get it and within a week you crack it hope will replace it no problems. as for skipping i have never expierienced a hub skip with any of my pro 2's. if it does ever skip, all internals are available separatly and they are silly easy to servive! my advice, buy it! hope this helps josh
  15. im there! if anyone else from taunton area is heading down i can drive for sum petrol moneys or visa versa. also, may head down on the saturday evening after work, if i could steal sum floor space for the night..? josh
  16. you daaamn right im there, spose i gotta seeing as i live here! anyone spoken to ben johnson? cheers
  17. Im there, been going for the last three years. i'll be coming with the taunton lot and craig. theres no trials again this year which is a bit crap, but anyone with a van or trailer thought of bringing down some pallets to set up in the camp area?? i saw Scratch Perverts in exeter a couple weekends ago and they were awwwsome! see you all there
  18. J.KYDD


    If your under 25ish, or havnt got much in the way of life-expierience dont bother yet. Also, be prepared to move. Rural (i.e. Taunton) stations only tend to recruit transfers from urban/city areas. It only tends to be City districts who recruit newly trained firefighters. KEEP TRYING! The last time Bristol had a recruitmet campaign, 1200 applicants tried for only 14 vacancies. So do as best you can, get an application form, photocopy it and practice it 3 or 4 times before completing the real thing. And basic but important stuff, like writing in BLOCK CAPITALS IN BLACK INK as is always requested. it sounds silly, but when a form comes through in lower case writing, it goes in the bin. Blue ink, in the bin. But go for it, i know a couple fire fighters through my mum (whos a paramedic) and they LOVE their jobs. In these shakey economic times, getting a job in public services is a great way of securing a position, the pay isnt outstanding, but you get great pensions and fantastic holiday etc. once i finish college i plan work in outdoor persuits for a couple of years in south wales or scotland and then hope to apply as a fire fighter in around 2014 GOOD LUCK DUDE plus....EVERY WOMAN LOVES A FIREMAN!!!
  19. chav: can you do a backflip...? A: f**k off Mum: you will take care wont you? Me: do you pay any attention to the sport i do.....? Chav: how much that cost? Me: more than you're worth Q: wheres your seat mate? A: look at my bike, think about what you just asked. now walk away... Chav: your tyres are flat mate, gimme your bike i'll go down garage and get 'em pumped up Me: f**k off Chav: can you do your best 'stunt'? Me: can you f**k off?
  20. haha, yeh thats me!

    was an interseting 5minutes

  21. if you realy struggle to stop them sliding, (especially on taps where the top couple always slide) get hold of some wratchet (sp?) straps, as used to tie down goods on flatbeds. these are great at holding pallets in place cheers josh
  22. Myself and afew others are from Taunton, but try and ride the south coast as often as possible. Also ride exeter from time to time, give me a shout on here if you ever head out on a sunday or thursday. good idea is head to 'Saddles and Paddles' hire shop at the quay* some of the chaps who work there are trials boys and could no doubt point you in the direction of other riders and some cool spots hope this helps josh *spelling??!
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