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Everything posted by J.KYDD

  1. J.KYDD

    James B

    Yeh i thought he had. I see i was misinformed Awesome to see he is still riding but definitely think he suited stock better
  2. J.KYDD

    James B

    A pretty old vid now, but i think it definitely deserves a repost. As for the rider himself, after browsing his youtube channel it seems he no longer rides trials and has made the move to BMX
  3. Just keep an eye on the rides thread If there is anything going on in the area it'll be posted up on there. Come along when you can
  4. http://www.wheelpro.co.uk/spokecalc/
  5. Yo man, do you drive? There are a couple of us in Taunton who ride regularly Also, any given weekend day in Bristol when there is good weather there are always riders about
  6. I too am a Giro Xen user and love the thing to pieces. However, there is a new LBS in town who are stocking the full 2011 Fox range and having seen the Flux up-close im pretty sure my mind is made up as to what helmet to get when my Xen dies. Great styling, good weight, fitted well (found it really comfy) and they'll do me a good price
  7. Me and Ben Moore are hitting up Bristol tomorrow. Usual start at Castle Park. Think we are aiming to be there for about 10:30ish Anyone fancies it give me a shout tomorrow on 07961749886
  8. Street bikes tend to be a little heavier than comp/natural set-ups. This is due to the parts taking more abuse so the parts are tougher, and therefore heavier. Good weight for a street bike - around 10kg's Good weight for a comp bike - under 9kg's
  9. They are raved about in the MTB world. If money wasn't an issue i'd be running a pair on my Marin for sure. From what iv read they have seriously impressive power for their size and weight. Go for it, and if you do find they aren't great for trials i doubt you'll have any problems selling it on again
  10. NOT TRIALS UK. They are no longer operating and have ripped off a great many members of this forum by sending incorrect, or no goods what-so-ever.
  11. J.KYDD

    End Of 2010

    That would be Benito Ros
  12. J.KYDD

    Bb5 Vs Bb7

    I have never had a problem with either of my BB7's. BB7 is noticeably better than a BB5. More power and tonnes more bite. And, more adjustment is never a bad thing
  13. I would very much like to know when the Trialtech carbon 2-bolt booster will be back in stock
  14. What bike do you ride ? Speedrace Fans 26" How long have you been riding ? nearly 3years Favourite trick ? Up-to-front Best riding spot ? Street - Portsmouth, Natural - Portland Sponsors ? Not yet! How often you ride ? When the weather allows, about 4 times a week
  15. Oh yesh. Fooking love this, rides like a dream. Joe's bikes are always set up so well too
  16. From what I understand, its that Monty won't let him ride stock full-time. They are pretty keen to keep Kenny on stock and Comas on mod
  17. Nooo, iv ridden a set of the new 2011's and they are so horrible to ride. Get a 2005 lever with 4 finger blade. They wont snap so long as you modify the lever first.
  18. Road bike bar-wrap/tape. like it so much
  19. They are seriousley not worth the money. Make one: http://www.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&safe=off&q=homemade+truing+stand&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=shAFTZeEDpHNswbDxMDgCQ&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=2&ved=0CEQQsAQwAQ&biw=1366&bih=667 Have a scroll through that lot, some pretty pro looking jobs and some pretty scrappy but equally good wooden ones too. Too cold/wet/frozen to ride? Take a trip to B&Q and spend an afternoon in the garage making one
  20. Yeh i know it won't be, just saying it'd be sick if it could be. Looks a bit like an 05 lever but with a propper open clamp so dont always have to take off your grips to change it around
  21. http://www.pinkbike.com/news/magura-prototype-brake-2010.html Looks pretty sick. love it if it was cross-compatible with a maggie slaves.
  22. Another vote for the Try-all Hole/Rockman rim. Had mine for a while now, nice 'n' light, holds a grind well. Running mine now with a sticky-light rear tyre and standard tube and had no issues at all with punctures.
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