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Everything posted by J.KYDD

  1. OOOOOOHMAAAAGODDDDDDD!!!! Amazing. What is he/she? Little terrier?
  2. Jeeeeeesus. We're gonna be on £1070 mortgage payments, with 35 years to go!
  3. Had another call from our solicitors today and its looking positive for the 5th! Super exited but now just that horrible wait hoping nothing goes wrong and nobody in the chain gets covid or asked to self-isolate as that will f**k things over. All being well, should be here in 2 weeks
  4. We got warned of that too, but ours came back within 2 weeks! I think at the very start of the stamp duty freeze there was a sudden rush to buy/sell, and loads of companies would have been adjusting to working from home at the same time so I reckon that might have been what caused the initial backlog. But I guess the longer its all gone on everyone's got their shit together again. Fingers crossed it all runs smoothly for you man. House buying can be a stressful old time
  5. That's ace dude. We've just received our contracts for our house move with a simultaneous exchange/completion date of Feb 5th currently the plan. You hoping to have it all done & dusted by end of March?
  6. Aaaaah dude that's awesome! We were going to get our 2nd dog this year ended up deciding to hold off due to the insane rise in prices. You got a name in mind?
  7. These are dogshit even for MTB use, 100% would not recommend for trials.
  8. @monkeyseemonkeydo Marmite IS a religion. Can I get an Amen!
  9. Affect. Effect. It's been explained to me 100 times but I still cant grasp when to use which. Maybe it's cause a really couldn't care and people are going to know what your getting at regardless
  10. We were first time buyers last time around too, so much simpler. Hate the stress of it all, but the place we're buying is exactly what we saw ourselves living in at 'some point' and genuinely cannot envisage us even considering moving again in the next 20+ years
  11. We are also in the process of moving, early stages. We only put our place on the market as a bit of a punt due to the stamp duty freeze and it sold within 24hrs! We're lucky to have a cash buyer for our place and our chain is super short. Moving from a 1905 Victorian terrace to a 1930's semi which is already in great condition but has scope for an extension in the future
  12. Fo reals? You seen the utter state of what the likes of Persimmon/Redrow etc are churning out at 100mph? Shambles, and as soon as the developer is done with the site and it enters that 'grey period' between construction and the utilities/services/roads being adopted by authorities, the developers just f**k off and try to pie off all responsibility of anything. Had a couple colleagues buy new builds in the last couple years and the snag list on one of them was horrendous. Then it became a constant battle with the site managers to to get the relevant after-build team to come round and sort everything bit by bit. Jokers
  13. We just stick to a basic timer with ours. We've got a thermostat on the wall, but find it easier to just to have it come on for an hour in the morning. We do also have a log burner though so during the winter we leave the heating off in the evenings and just have the burner on.
  14. This is a forum for bicycle trials my man. You'll be best off asking around on the Trials Central forum https://www.trialscentral.com/
  15. Britannia Lanes - Southwest firm who cover nationwide removals. Always heard good things about them
  16. @Ross McArthur you still have anything to do with Marino?
  17. Considering they're £15.99 for a complete pair brand new I think its safe to assume that they'll fit fine, but will be utter dogshit at locking a wheel
  18. These BB7's were the tits. Then newer ones were prone to snapping at the mounts.
  19. Also in the somewhat lucky camp here too. I'm an essential drainage worker for the public water company so have still been working full-time hours with almost no change to how we work. My other half is a finance manager for the county council, dealing with adult social care finance, so what with all the hospitals shifting elderly patients onto care homes, her work load has gone through the roof. She's working from home, but still full time and on full wage Really feel for those who've lost jobs & businesses through all this
  20. J.KYDD


    Yep, got a few mates still in the bike shop/industry and they've all been absolutely flat out
  21. Always used the Z610HX. Back when I was riding regularly (3-4 times a week) I would change my chain every 3-4 months. Even when my riding dropped off a bit to weekends only I would still change it every 6-months
  22. Got Guides on my Commencal Meta AM enduro rig, and have always thought they were massively under-powered for the bike, but haven't had the funds to spank on some new stoppers. However, I've just had the bike back from a full strip down service and re-bleed of the brakes and my mechanic (Amped Cycleworx on Insta) recommended swapping out the pads for a set of Galfer Pro's. Couple of the racers who Sam supports at EWS level have been running them for a while and rave about them. I've been on the green 'pro' pads now for a few rides and can confirm they've transformed my brakes. Saving me a small fortune in a full new setup
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