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Connor Powell

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Everything posted by Connor Powell

  1. Forks have got to go, Get some tryall Forks on there and that will be bangin'
  2. Bingo! Problem solved, theres meant to be a ball bearing sat behind the Grub screw, thats why it be leaking like a siv.
  3. Problem with that is that the end of the radiators threads match, Simps's problem is that the whole that the bleed screw has been made bigger so the putty might not work, With ptfe tape you can wrap more on to the thread to keep it tight, if you see what i mean
  4. Tried Ptfe tape? http://www.tapes-direct.co.uk/index.php?ma...csjvklksqimce25 Being 28p its worth a shot, in case you don't know what it is, Ptfe tape is used by plumbers to wrap around the threads to stop them leaking, Do this to the bleed bolt and i recon it will work.
  5. +2 I don't even know the guy but jesus, what a turd.
  6. Just wouldnt load, just had a plain green screen. Works through vimeo, Amazing video, Tgs scene is obv rife over there!
  7. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=131059
  8. I found being helpful was best, Like in a topic if someones asked "what bike shall i get" Dont just say "Get an adamant ive got one and its beast" Instead try go into detail, For example : " I have an adamant A3, I really like it but theres so many different bikes out there with different Geo's you can't really decide by asking people on a public forum, Best thing to do is get on some rides and ask some people for a go on there bike, The trials community in general is friendly."
  9. Nice one jack, Just stay true to your word this time. He really isn't as much of a tool in the flesh as he is on here.
  10. This should be really awesome, Good weather, Lots of riding, Can't wait. Although im going to be aching on monday, The ride on saturday and hampshire comp on sunday.
  11. I would have just stopped there. If you had a problem with it speak to Steve@heatsink, Put a water mark on the same photo and send Steve@heatsink the water mark version. Instead of posting on a public forum, Not like your going to sue him over it.
  12. Pmsl. Only person trying to defend him.
  13. Before anyone has a pop at you, Buying/Selling in new members chat is not allowed, you have to get validated then you can post in for sale/wanted section, Keep an eye out on ebay, also for sale section of the forum, to contact them you can get there email of there profile page.
  14. Jesus jack, get out abit more, all your vids are made of footage from that bloody bank. Do you live in a badger set in that bank somewhere?
  15. Explains it all! Hes been off for 7 months because hes been in filming for the new terminator film thats just come out! Seriously though, that is ridiculous riding, Frames uggglllyyy though.
  16. Mega Lulss, You and your brother are tools. Danny: Its masonry, not missionary.
  17. Jesus, I know a kid who's parents got divorced because his mum became addicted to 'Wow' And quit her job so she could play it all the time. Quit while your ahead.
  18. 2nd pic from the bottom, Death grip!
  19. Awsome, Good riding not to bmx atall. That kid on the plywood is awsome! Although i hate you for making it, ive always wanted to live in dubai.
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