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John Shrewsbury

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John Shrewsbury last won the day on December 28 2023

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About John Shrewsbury

  • Birthday 09/06/1985

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  • County (UK Only)
    Vale of Glamorgan
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    Street/Natural Trials, MTB
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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Been running the a4 rear and a2 front with no issues for about 8 months now. Only thing I’ve been searching for is EBC red pads. I could only manage to get some green and gold. Even though reds were available at one point, I will continue to search for some.
  2. I loved running zee’s for quite a while. Currently I’m now on Hayes dominions and there amazing. If you want to upgrade from zee’s you should definitely invest in pair. I had hope tech 4s also as a backup. But I couldn’t believe how great these Hayes brakes were the lever feel is incredible 👌🏻 Loving the build dude 👍🏻
  3. Very poor quality, two friends of mine have bought them and bent them within weeks.
  4. That’s great the Schwalbes are doing the job, I really love running them. Just wished they did them in tan wall. Im currently use them as a backup tyre or during winter time. But yeh the tread works really well for rolling and grip. I’m on maxxis ikon 2.2 tan walls atm and they feel great as well.
  5. Yeh at least give the brakes a good bleed straight through. Best other places for the pads is possibly eBay, here’s a link for shimano saint/Zee are the same shape/fitting. https://www.ebay.com/itm/373836292282?epid=1837122529&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&hash=item570a6120ba:g:j20AAOSwGKthw6oi&amdata=enc%3AAQAGAAAA4P%2B6va2zRfxSanakyZixyMYQKNNbaFIqSWzq5BCNaoMfLQhnZMA4EI7P%2FjLGSKXZGJz0DLMlyPzDFP%2BRXhC84tslPiSbYCVSyghbpHxT3qNieS7LJ78r%2FoU5nYmg%2BRMWqoyTh8ZFdRjPFdYloF%2FnwmZ4L2qLdjuTZzOxdzhyo5FNYajHpYFN7rZ40UIAYY6q8rR2obPWgO4tlTIIz5RrvvkJMph8J4kLOT5qWL2BhCu%2F7kLgp2Rr6fmSabtpC1J9s%2B6ZUt%2Bqq2EK29W4naMxcUy2NZ7MEMBKmUxt33CP5kQj|tkp%3ABFBM0O_OmI9g
  6. I believe jack Heard is running a set https://instagram.com/jackheard9?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  7. I ran one up to a year on my Marino wihich unfortunately had a tapered head tube. So I had to run one of these on my 11/8 forks for it to work. https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/mobile/hope-tapered-1-5-headset-reducer-crown/rp-prod71609?gs=1&sku=sku273357&utm_source=google&utm_term=&utm_campaign=&utm_medium=base&gclid=CjwKCAjwxOCRBhA8EiwA0X8hizNhBiay1UfTGbtpuiGaEnKnjU5ZdJHehx20UdNXT7cnpIQSMr4I7RoCIbEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  8. Tread is terrible on the race kings, I found it Just breaks off after 1 or 2 rides. I have a couple of pairs of ikons to test out this year. But atm I’m currently running the schwalbe racing Ralph’s (tubeless) There great grip and decent weight around 600g.
  9. Been using Wolftooth Rear Cogs for a few years now and not had any problems. Yes they wear after quite a while but that’s normal.
  10. Filmed some Footage of Craig lee Scott last year during lockdown as he fancied a little spin on a couple of occasional rides ( doesn’t mean it’s a come back ) Well he’s still got it and can jump up down anything.
  11. Yes had it happen many times with Pro 2’s + 4’s. I’ve got to the point of just having a spare wheel built up ready to hand incase one goes. They are the only brand of hub I have ever used and if I had another choice I probably would try an Industry 9, but it’s having a UK warranty base as good as Hope has to be able to fully commit to.
  12. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CNfmotopo_j/?igshid=1mwk10ujidy80
  13. In the past and present, I’ve had my frames acid dipped and it took all the paint off easy. Takes about two dips before it’s all gone. Cost me about £15, which isn’t bad and you don’t have the hassle of doing it yourself. It was a wheel refurbishment company.
  14. Probably not, only thing I noticed differently is the head tube and the colour. Guessing you know a bit more about the differences?
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