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About lukeeeee

  • Birthday 12/01/1993

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  • Interests
    rugby,music,trials,dirt jumping
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lukeeeee's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. that blue bike of yours what is it

  2. duuuuuuuuuude....

    I hear you have a front hope mono trial for sale?

    and chance of some info on it?



  3. Go get a f**king real bike you pussy

  4. Still got your onza or have you got a new one.
  5. I've got a echo smoth rim and do not know what to get because mine are getting worn down.
  6. I prefer ffw. But it depends how money you have to spend
  7. i only wear one when im not to shore on what im going to do or if im going to do a new trick but better to be safe than sorry
  8. i dont know mate because my back might not be better

  9. I normally use hair spray to put them on but when i take them off i get a end of a fork so i dont scratch it and poor soabe (fairliquied)in to them and let it seatle for a minute and then start to move them around and they come strat off i ment to use the end of the fork where the points are
  10. Their are no such thing is their ?
  11. what are the best grips for the wet
  12. my uncale gtting me a king for xmas and bday. how would i go about survesing or should i take it to my locale bikr shop witch i do not want to do
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