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Urban mammoth

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About Urban mammoth

  • Birthday 11/11/1986

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    Selby, North Yorkshire

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. why would the iphones battery die with headphones? no headphone takes power from the iphone, if they have noise isolation then they have batteries. what about things like bose on ear? or quiet comfort? i know bose are mightily over priced but do any other headphones compare to them? thanks Dan
  2. hi, i am looking to buy some headphones for my iphone. I want some over ear or on ear ones as I don't like having things inside my ear. pretty open budget really, I'm just looking for some reccommendations as I don't really know much about headphones. any information greatly received! thanks Dan
  3. yeah but does that do soud aswell?
  4. ok.... I have a 12inch Powerbook G4. It has a mini DVI port. My TV has scart, Svideo, Red/Yellow/White, or component (blue, green, red) how can I connect the two so that i can watch my DRM protected itunes films on the TV. I have googled to my fingers bleed and can't make any sense of it. cheers Dan
  5. oh my god well me, my dad and two friends have just got home from completing the most disgustingly painful event in the entire world. The Cheshire Ring Kayak Race 96 miles to paddle around the cheshire ring canal in manchester. 92 locks and 4 tunnels to walk around (with the kayak!) 24 hours (well we did it in 25 hours 2 minutes and 21 seconds) 4 man relay in a K2 tourer kayak (2 men at a time paddling) we had only ever been in a kayak the week before for a couple of hours practice. our support team were so awesome driving the other members to the next checkpiints for the change over and keeping the team fed and watered. soooooooooo knackered now!!!!!!!! but oh so proud we managed it! anyway we won our class!! woop woop
  6. i thought i would hijack this thread to just ask... does anybody else get really pissed off with the fan noise from their 360?! i have to turn the TV so loud to hear any conversations on GTA its insane!! any way you can stop the fan noise? cheers dan
  7. and to make it exciting you could run a competition to design them?? where the TF memebers vote for the winner, that way you would know we would buy them?!
  8. BMI counts for poo all really. i know loads of professional rugby players who have huge BMI but are some of the fittest people ever! all BMI is, is a correlation between your height and weight. so if your ripped to hell with lots of muscle mass and are quite short, then according to BMI, your overweight!! if you really want to be body concious then get your body fat levels measured. last time i got my body fat checked it was 9.5%, that was about 2 weeks ago. BMI was 23.4 i'm 6'3 and 14 stone. cheers dan
  9. i flat barbell 110kg (repping 4-5) never tried incline barbell, or flat dumbell really. incline dumbell is at 34 - 38kg depending on how my forearms/grip are holding up!! (so NOT funny when you forearms/grip just die and they just twist and flop everywhere!!) just been concentrating on chest this week and was doing supersets with flat barbell then after each set do a set of flat flies. Then same with incline dumbell, then after each set incline flies.. hurt so baaaaad!
  10. i have a G4 12" powerbook and it is awesome, super small and portable, i do a graphic design degree and have had no problems with image editing etc. good choice with the mac sir! best off getting the macbook over the mac mini because then as you get more money you can upgrade RAM, hard drives etc etc whereas with the mac mini you cant do that. also try giving them a ring or access the store from your uni intranet for bigger discounts! cheers Dan
  11. i find i can do way more flat than i can incline... is that normal?
  12. i got a 16gb iphone the other week unlocked using ziphone program (google it) fully easy to do, just plug your iphone in and run the program. unlocked to all networks etc etc etc using the O2 contract i had before i got it. if your iphone locks up then all you do is do a hard reset.... hold sleep button and home button until itunes/plug in logo appears, plug in computer then itunes will say that there is an iphone in restore mode IMPORTANT BIT ---> you must download the appropriate restore file (i.e 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3) from internet and have it somewhere on your computer.. Then ctrl + click (mac) or shift + click (PC) on restore and then locate your restore file and set it going... EASY i have had no problems whatsoever and it is the best phone i have ever used. even got video capture, MMS messaging and zoom, burst mode, self timer, black & white etc on the camera now. so yeah I say if you can get one at a good price from ebay or somewhere then go for it!
  13. Urban mammoth


    I had a grade 2 tear of my hamstring playing rugby this season. they are graded 1-5 so not such a bad one. anyways i had some physio on it and did NOTHING on it for 4 weeks, first game back i did it again after bout 10 minutes! lesson = leave it much longer than you think or will continually keep tearing it! after about 4 weeks, start light training on it in the form of body weight squats, one legged squats and get hold of a rubber resistance band and do some hamstring curls. honestly DO NOT just leave it a week because YOU WILL tear it again straight away! especially with you doing high kicks etc which puts even more stress on the muscle than running. 4 weeks doing NOTHING and then 1-2 weeks strengthening it and you should be good to go. as far as treatment, RICE is good, plenty of ibuprofen (tablets, rub on gel or both) and then when you begin training again put some tiger balm or deep heat on before you start. mmmmmm tiger balm! hope this helps!! cheers Dan
  14. this is better i think
  15. getting this done........ going to see how much it will cost/how long it will take next week will be my first tattoo... really excited! not sure on the positioning yet though, think it needs to be a bit higher up. also think proportions of man:wings need to be a bit different i.e man bigger/longer and then wings bit wider but not as deep.
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