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*Koxx hydroxx 2 Jack *

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Everything posted by *Koxx hydroxx 2 Jack *

  1. I have the same problem , cant figure it out ...
  2. you can always use a hammer and a punch , just put the punch in the grove where you would put the freewheel remover tool and smack it hard , i would only advise this if you were throwing it away after , it totaly mucks up the freewheel tool slots , and you wont be able to use the propper tool on it again .
  3. Yh , i totaly forgot about it all, ill do it now and pm you a link
  4. when you have a usual time and place that is when you ride the same place to often
  5. Is the DJ ride off for all the essex people then ?
  6. what is it with southend ride topics and arguments ... nick pyke
  7. good point southend is getting a bit same old now , i vote chelmsford this weekend
  8. but looks like a 26" limey copy to me ...
  9. yh thats the place man , but its a bit far for an evening sesh for me , it will need to be a whole day its 2 trains away thought you were going pompy this weekend matt ?
  10. not long , i can meet you at southend victoria whenever you wonna go . warning my navigation skills are ... less than average
  11. only twice but enough to get the emenceness of it
  12. well go further then theres loaads of places a bit further afield : london ipswitch clackton hastings ...etc
  13. loads of pallets a rail gap and sweet side hops rangeing from 20 - 45 inches
  14. Billericay is the nuts , you just have to know where to go
  15. hes been rideing for 7 months now , improoving realy fast now mr chinnery , keep up the good work
  16. Hi , heres my 1st video . riding at southend and hockley , enjoy .
  17. As the title says , I will be riding southend this Saturday , hopfully you can all come . Meeting at civic at 11:00 . Hope to see you all there , Jack.
  18. Thanks Andy , thats really boosted my confidence lol , considering ive been riding for a year and a half , im proud of it . next time im at st pauls im doin it again , hopefully a smoother landing , can i just point out my freewheel skipped at the top of it and i s*** myself, thats why the landing was bad .
  19. As the topic sais , this is my 1st drop gap bigger than about 3ft : Enjoy. Jack
  20. i should be able to ride basildon next weekend if you want to , i live bout 5 minits away
  21. ill come tuesday ... but just to let you know theres a train strike on monday
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