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Everything posted by pizzapie..

  1. see me smacking my bike in the back ground with god nows what :| at sing hills
  2. it had a lazy piston shit face... and when have i ever complained abuot my phats. so learn how to ride shit for brains. When you go to a ride i think your ment to ride your bike not lick every once arse hole? And yeah of course you have a bike is that why you said to me other day that u dont have a bike, and on your msn name it says WANTS my ice?
  3. i think he mena is he buys a profile he can't afford to pay for the dentist? maby
  4. Are you a mind reader was thinking the same
  5. He has no right to say bad things about my bike when he don't have a bike... I dont care if you like your teeth or not ? I doubt id liekto ride onza forks and cranks, due to not likign ym parts weighing more than man Good look with you onza forks. Got a card game for you what does james play with his forks. SNAPPP
  6. Maby it does look shit ( even though danny you can't say anythink you dont even have a bike) but it rides awsome.
  7. my brake is bleed and set up perfect arse wipe? Sorry come back when you have a bike mate
  8. have done like just this minute lol, i just stuck it on for the pic, it all set up and bleed now
  9. well thanks for the shite comments every one. liam lick my c**k and thanks look why not just say its a pile of shit ?
  10. yeah ok then man. drop me a pm if your coming.
  11. This sunday? me mike ollie piece out who eles xx?
  12. My Ko-bike... speck zoo bars onza stem ko forks ko frame koxx on koox fornt wheel profile on dx32 rear wheel front vee back magura with phats zoo cranks fsa bb and head set cc tryes trialtech pedals and grips
  13. Go on mike, some relay good stuff! who is that sexy guy on the ice? Cocky you might have heard me .
  14. Can you tell me how many frames you have?
  15. Are you batty? comments ? Erm yeah looks good ? Speck please can't realy see from pics.
  16. Just hold them for aslong as u can let it rip and leave the room let other suffer
  17. Yeah mate ill get train to sCUNThorpe
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