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Everything posted by pizzapie..

  1. That could be the best vid i have ever seeeeeen!
  2. It was unreal to watch, that guy on white bike the 15 year old her tryed a 1080 at the end dont think it was on camera and hurt him self badly. Was such a good few days,
  3. did you see that lad with the whole white bike doing all this crazxy shit he has just turned 15!!!! got flairs when he was 9!
  4. I was there... Check my face book Liam Moorhouse i have pics of the flat land and also took vids of it. was f**king out standing!
  5. YO! As no one wants to buy my bike i might aswell rider it. So whos up for sheffeild on saturday 5th june. me ( little liam ) mike dougdawg who eles?
  6. yep the music scared me haha. your tyre is missing some tread mate good riding though
  7. that was gay, some ok riding though
  8. wont get to see her if its loads of effort to click on a link then will you..
  9. 1. don't click on the link and you wont have a problem. 2. the images are 978.98 so i could only get one of the images on ?
  10. yeah haha the one before i can say it was wank! i just need a new lever andi ts done!!
  11. Hey after getting into bmx for 2 months i have got another trials bike, but sitll kept my bmx. Anyway here she is. http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.php?aid=2042048&id=1033831463 shes called sally if you want a speck ask but im sure you can work it out...
  12. Just wondering it is the same as a normal magura? So can you bath bleed them? thanks lil liam
  13. mhmm its nice alright ;S? sorry mate but that hidiouse did you paint that with anti vandal paint?
  14. ollie you little gaylord i can't wait for this ride if i can come haha
  15. swetyyy arm pits , any way ace pics man,.
  16. pizzapie..

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    i have seen every one of them clips in other vids? whats the point
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