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Everything posted by pizzapie..

  1. Great forks bet you got a right bargin on them mate. nice dick.
  2. HAd mine nicked sucks man good look finding it , will turn up mine did good look.x
  3. nice forks bars and stem .
  4. Did'nt know Beau spoke to him on msn a few times that bout it, but i can see he means alot to people on the forum, he had like the loadest king ever lol. R.I.P manxx
  5. Lmao them bails where great haha.
  6. I might be thinkign of a diffeent bike but im sure therei s a black and green ashton out, i may be rong, . sorry my bad if its rong. this is in a mag at local bike shop im sure.
  7. They have been out for about a mounth now? A mate of mine at local bike shop has the new ashton/dimonback mag and they have been out for about a month now the new 24" that martin rides the green and black one my local bike shop can get hold of it.
  8. pizzapie..


    my mate has a onza bird there quite nice, that neon looks beast mate and looks like you have 8 cables on the mod . yeah both look good mate.
  9. found this on youtube think it is quite good.
  10. Curtis is already better than me :\. great riding a whole trials family thats awsome.
  11. Is any one up for cleethorpes tomorow (29th). cheeres liam. 07548005618. text me if your coming. trials_lad123@hotmail.co.uk .
  12. yeah probly easter leeds ride?
  13. Hello just got my onza ice built. Getting new cranks rear brake and pedals for it soon cheeres. comments welcome good or bad . thanks lil liam .
  14. Take chain of half links are shite get a khe love .
  15. They are registered company and main dealers in Baltic countries.
  16. i have one £20 add me msn trials_lad123@hotmail.co.uk
  17. tryed that, did'nt work, thank you every one for your answers thank you so much all been a real help.
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