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Everything posted by pizzapie..

  1. Sorry to burst your bubble, but yeah it is my frame and forks the guy who has it even said so . Who cares, gu le ride shit any ways.
  2. 5 holy shit. ill keep my eyes pealed hope you get them all back man.
  3. Who was it nicked from?
  4. Right is it 23:49 22:49 im confsued?
  5. 1. liam wood 2.lil liam 3. 4. 5. 6. add your name?
  6. I have my piston stuck inside my lever and dont know how to get it back out, its not on my brake at the moment. but i would like to put it on but my piston is stuck in how can i get it out? i dont have any long nose pliyers though so its realu hard to get out
  7. Them frame and forks look liek i hav seen them before, i might have riden them some where down the line?
  8. I think your forks have fell off mate?
  9. ahahah would love to see that runnign at some oen with a shovel
  10. Another :@ Just getting stupid now.
  11. Any one fancy a ride on saterday 24th? Clee ride not been one for a long time ? cheeres lil liam.
  12. i have a spair magura if u wanna buy it?
  13. Yeah your mate, not you, you ever had some? did'nt think so man, i have some there great mine are 3rd hand?
  14. Leeds Is not very good lol,we did'nt just ride grannit uni and play house, we rode the church for about 5 mins, WHo cares ifi t is shit, still some good places to ride, and it just a laught init?
  15. pizzapie..


    Yeah they are week mine is cracked on drop outs
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